Blackberry 9900/9930

Well, despite me not needing one whatsoever, I've never owned a BlackBerry so have one of these coming on Thursday hopefully. :p

I've been watching some videos of the UI operation on the 9780 and it honestly doesn't look that bad. In fact it looks quite nifty in places. I assume this will be an improvement further still.

Congrats...and no you aint getting support from me matey:p

Make sure uupdate to the latest OS version...the shipping OS has a few bugs in it
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Just got my phone today and all i can say the keyboard is just next level, it is so much easier to type then 9700.

So far very pleased with the device and the UI is nice, UX is easy any snappy. I don't think I will miss using my old iPhone 3GS.
Just got my phone today and all i can say the keyboard is just next level, it is so much easier to type then 9700.

So far very pleased with the device and the UI is nice, UX is easy any snappy. I don't think I will miss using my old iPhone 3GS.

Where you get yours from?
I'm in West London and it is blazing fast!

Compared to the Blackberry 9700 on Orange, this is around x4 fast in terms of loading photos on Facebook, Twitter and general web browsing and downloading apps.

Can't comment on overall coverage as I haven't had chance to travel around with the device.

Edit: Not sure if these speediest on 3G is reliable but I got the following from indoor:

Speed: 592.59kbps
Latency: 0.604 seconds
Transferred: 100kb in 1.35 seconds

Point: 198pt (average)
Speed: 0.7mbps
Upload: 0.47mbps
Latency: 546.7ms
Browser: 827.5ms
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I am having serious BBM troubles tonight, seems to only be working breifly after a battery pull and then not at all. Really confused.
I've been having a read of CrackBerry this evening and the American people on there are driving me mad.

They keep calling a CASE a 'holster'... it's not a gun for god sake!

To be fair to them Blackberry have been calling them holsters since the days of the old hard plastic ones they used to issue way back when (since 2004 at least from what I remember).

Probably stems from the fact that they were never full on enclosed cases, more liek a chunky plastic belt clip that you slid your device into.

Guess it's just another one of those BlackBerry 'things' :)
What happened to the 'must have' white version? :D

Shh Robbo :p
I would like a White version but worrying about the screen light bleeding through the sides put me off.

This will be my first BlackBerry so very excited. If you get this it will be your first also wont it Robbo? Where did you order from & what phone will you be coming from? It will be an iPhone 4 in my case (in black I might add :rolleyes:)
It will, I've never really used one at all let alone owned one!

I'm coming from the iPhone 4 mainly, but I also have lots of other phones including things like the Galaxy S II, HTC Sensation, N8, etc.

I've been watching videos of the UI as I said earlier and I actually really like the look of it. It seems VERY quick.

As long as the browser works well this will easily last me until the iPhone 5, perhaps longer if I really like it!
Wow so you have quite a variety of phones! That must set you back quite a bit on either PAYG or contract, but if you got the money, then hey enjoy it :)

I've never owned a BB either but I love how it's 'always on' and seems to have the best push notifications of any phone. As I'm a big user of e-mail, twitter & facebook this is going to be great :)
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