Blackberry 9900/9930

I think I'd go down the Android route, or perhaps iPhone if I were in the market for a full touch-screen phone.

I think most people would...i had the storm2 but ditched it soon after as it was far too fiddly for my liking...then i got the torch 9800 which was soon ditched for the 9780...not a huge fan of touchscreen phones but i have the iphone4 as well but definitely prefer my 9780 over it.

The 9900 has the best of both worlds, touchscreen and am waiting till i get one in my hands...delayed sim free launch is now next week sometime:(
I don't think I could ever go back to a phone without a touch screen of some sort. I always want a hardware keyboard. Using my Moto Milestone after the BB shows quite how inferior they keys were, mind. Never used a small keyboard as good as this :)
The 9900 has the best of both worlds, touchscreen and am waiting till i get one in my hands...delayed sim free launch is now next week sometime:(
Yep this is my feeling too. I can't see myself ever wanting a full touch-screen phone, but the touch-screen browsing on the 9900 will be a bonus. Just want to get my hands on the damn thing now, been talking about it way too long! :mad:
Just did a battery pull and corrupted my software :o
trying to restore now...

Recovered via loader.exe.

Hope this is not a sign of things to come!
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Had my 9900 since Friday... vast step forward for Blackberry :)

I came from a 9800 to the 9900 and love it already.

Carbon Fibre goodness, stainless steel bezel, lovely keyboard.
i was never that impressed with UMA anyway, not on my 8900 or the gf's 9700. If UMA is better than suresignal as Hxc claims then they are both a pile of arse, imo.

ps love how that review says a 4.3" screen is overkill. had the torch been given a 4.3" screen, you can bet your right leg he wouldn't have said that. Don't forget the galaxy s2 has a 4.3" screen yet it's only 3mm wider and 5mm taller. Oh and 3 mm thinner.
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Well, I have never used UMA, I just assumed that as it could use any wireless network, it'd be better than suresignal which gives you perfect 3g in one location.

I agree with them that phones are getting too big, mind. I think the Milestone is as large as a phone should get, and will stick by that.
Well, I have never used UMA, I just assumed that as it could use any wireless network, it'd be better than suresignal which gives you perfect 3g in one location.

it can yeah. Great if you have an especially poor network signal wherever you are, but we found it just isnt reliable enough. Both the GF and i experienced call drop outs, or calls going stright to answer phone and missing them entirely. it seems quite sensitive to other wifi traffic at the time as well.

I agree with them that phones are getting too big, mind. I think the Milestone is as large as a phone should get, and will stick by that.
They didn't say that though, they were only referring to the screen size.
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Also the release seems to be a farce for this phone. I've seen pretty much every date on every website so far being put back.

CPW says the 18th but i know some people have had emails stating the sim free option releases on the 26th.
I hate branded phones and also Vodafone are sim locked.

o2 are usually sim free.

The only Voda branding is the vodafone sim services.... there's a bootscreen too but that can be removed by flashing the newer OS from Vodafone DE which has absolutely zero branding whatsoever.
Well, despite me not needing one whatsoever, I've never owned a BlackBerry so have one of these coming on Thursday hopefully. :p

I've been watching some videos of the UI operation on the 9780 and it honestly doesn't look that bad. In fact it looks quite nifty in places. I assume this will be an improvement further still.
The only Voda branding is the vodafone sim services.... there's a bootscreen too but that can be removed by flashing the newer OS from Vodafone DE which has absolutely zero branding whatsoever.

Flashing to a new OS does not de brand the phone ie removing the bootscreen.
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