I hope nobody minds me going slightly off topic. But Robbo, since you have owned both iOS and Android devices, can you please explain why you think iOS trumps it?
I'll make it clear first of all that I like Android, but the 'special' things that it offers are largely a bit of a farce considering it's a phone.
Look at it this way, on Android, you unlock the phone and then if you want to check the weather, you look at a weather widget. Often, when you unlock the phone, it takes a second or so to update (if it updates at all). In that time, you could have pressed the weather button on iOS and viewed it already as it loads almost instantly. You can apply that logic to the majority of widgets, sure, they make the home screens look nice but ultimately who cares about that? You get your phone out to do something on it, not to glide around home screens patting yourself on the back.
I don't mind iTunes either, Android offers nothing like it at the moment and despite people saying it's rubbish, it's a big selling point. It's a hub to manage and purchase all forms of media, and it works well, even if it may be a bit laggy on slow, old computers. Also things like the automatic phone backup when you connect your phone are great, I'm sure that has proved invaluable to many people over the years.
The web browsers are similar in general, the Google Webkit browser probably edges it but it wouldn't sway me either way. You can argue until the cows come home about how you NEED Flash on your phone, but again, do you really? Is it that important? It isn't as bad as Apple say but it isn't particularly good on a touch screen, it doesn't feel right or operate flawlessly.
Overall, Android feels inconsistent and in places unfinished. HTC Sense helps fix this issue to some extent.
There is simply no comparison between the two app stores. I was waiting since the days of the HTC Hero for the Android app store to vastly improve, and while it has, it is still quite some way off. Apps that are available for both platforms are nearly always better on the iPhone, everything just looks more professional and clean.
As Spawn has just said, the main draw of Android for me is the hardware some of the phones come with, it's excellent. Look at the Samsung Galaxy S II, superb specs and performance, then you turn it on and "oh, it's Android again".
Back when the HTC Desire was out, I really liked Android, I thought it was far better than iOS but I was wrong, it does more or less the same function but it just feels 'cheap' when doing it. It's also generally not as reliable, people often complain their alarms don't go off and things like that, it's all very well having open software but that increases the damage you can do to it.
I've seen people arguing the plus points of Android saying things like "well, if I had an iPhone I couldn't connect my Wii remote to it..." Your Wii remote? SERIOUSLY? Who cares.
I think the iPhone 5, with the iPad 2 internals (most likely) and a 4" screen and no doubt excellent design will be the phone to get. iOS 5 offers several good improvements that bring certain elements of the iOS functionality (like the notification system) closer to Android, yet even they feel more fluid and polished.
I seriously do not understand the blind hated for Apple, you would think they were a Nazi-regime the way some people go on. I think they just have trouble understanding the benefits of the ecosystem and why their marketing is so excellent.
I've tried all the top Android phones (and have most of them), I like the bigger screens too... but it's back to the iPhone 4 once more.
Also why you think BBOS will be good for you? Or is it just for a play about?
Well, my main phone uses are (in order) -
Web browsing
Text messaging
It should handle all of those things (obviously I'm not expecting much from the camera) quite well, and as I mainly browse forums I often have the keyboard open so the screen size probably won't bother me.
The BlackBerry also looks to be a lovely design, I really like it. I'm expecting to be impressed.
It's also just for a play about, I'll see how I get on with it.