Bless online & The Immortals guild

The ultimate comedy is that if you google "Bless Online" and click the link for the official website, you get taken to a dead page with a button to return to a dead homepage. They reorganised the website layout but never bothered to set any page redirects.

Lazy work, seems like there trying to cash in quick.
did it really cost 60million to bring this to the west, trying to figure out where all the money went?
I nearly got it last night but I'm glad I held off for now. I'll watch it closely though as I need an MMO to play.
21.3 hours in and am on the fence. Am Almost maxed level now. Bugs are far and few late game but my God the pvp needs some balance. Must be a Korean thing but it's so hard to level when you end up getting ganked by a trillion union players xD

Not sure if I wanna refund yet but steam are refunding people with 30+ hours in game so don't panic
If such a poor attempt of an mmo can get 35k players on steam at full price then I wonder why good developers don't make mmos anymore?
If such a poor attempt of an mmo can get 35k players on steam at full price then I wonder why good developers don't make mmos anymore?

Because it apparently costs $60million just to make a crappy attempt at translating and disabled features for a Western port

I think it's a case of too high risk for what the reward would be
If such a poor attempt of an mmo can get 35k players on steam at full price then I wonder why good developers don't make mmos anymore?
MMO's are ridiculously expensive to make, expensive to maintain and generally have an impossible audience to please. Plus player numbers fall off massively.

That said if anyone does make the perfect or close to perfect MMO it will print money, people are desperate for one so jump on the next hype train whatever it may be.
I usually give MMO's time before i decide if i like them or not. This was literally 10 minutes and i was done. It just didn't feel right in anyway for me.

I'm tempted go back to an old mmo and start again... sigh.
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