Bloc Party - A weekend in the city

I've heard some good things about Fields as well. Seems Bloc Party have attracted some good support acts for this tour.

Makes a change though for the gigs in the South West to have the "larger" support act. Some bands best support act seem to just do the London and Midlands area and then we get some other band added in at the last minute, or just the lower support act (and no replacement for the middle one).

Hopefully just the one support act will leave more time for Metric and Bloc Party to play though :)
I see your I Still Remember... and raise you a Hunting For Witches :cool:



[Russell's riff, repeat x many]

|------------------------------------ ---|
|-11-11----11-11------------------- ---|
|-11-11----11-11--11-11--12-12---- ---|
|------------ ------9--9---10-10-------|

[Kele's heavier riff which comes in after 3-4 repetitions]
Had it a while and I'm loving it though you do need to give it a good few listens I found.

Going seeing them 14th Feb too :cool:
Uniform chorus riff;
|-7-7--10-10--10-10--7-7-7/9-9 -------|

|-7-7--10-10--10-10--7-7-7-7-7 -------|

Waiting for the 7.18
|--------------------------------------------------| ad infinitum
Gooner14 said:
I'm seeing them at Cambridge, and I'm looking forward to seeing Fields too.
I'm gutted!!! :(

Sheffield are sold out. Hope you have fun and let us know :)

Sunday is really starting to grow on me! "I love you the morning . . " Can't get it out of my head :)
been listening to this non stop today. quite simply its amazing. silent alarm was brilliant but this id hazard a guess is even better. the prayer sends shivers down down my spine. waiting for the 7.18 is a real showcase of his vocal talent, totally unique.

the production is cleaner and crisper than silent alarm and the heavy use of delays and echoes creates a real soundscape. i think its was produced by jack knife lee although im not 100% on this. one of the other things that attracted me to bloc party is their use of broken drum patterns which theres plenty of on this album to.
simoran1 said:
the production is cleaner and crisper than silent alarm and the heavy use of delays and echoes creates a real soundscape. i think its was produced by jack knife lee although im not 100% on this.

It was indeed :)
At first when I heard 'Prayer' I thought what the hell is going on, but then the chorus hit and I realised Bloc Party were back. :D For an album that has not yet been released a lot of you have heard it completely...
It was leaked 3 months early.. Not one to condone any suspect methods but even the biggest fans will find it hard to not listen to it for 3 months when people that don't even really like them are able to.

Personally I shall be going out on release day and buying it, and then am going to their gig a few days later so it's not like they're losing any money as this "taste" has made me want to buy the album more.
simoran1 said:
been listening to this non stop today. quite simply its amazing. silent alarm was brilliant but this id hazard a guess is even better. the prayer sends shivers down down my spine. waiting for the 7.18 is a real showcase of his vocal talent, totally unique.

the production is cleaner and crisper than silent alarm and the heavy use of delays and echoes creates a real soundscape. i think its was produced by jack knife lee although im not 100% on this. one of the other things that attracted me to bloc party is their use of broken drum patterns which theres plenty of on this album to.

I don't care how good the production is, the mastering is HORRIBLE! Argh, why do bands do this?!
What's the big deal? It's boring.

Tell me the best song and I'll listen to it with full attention and try and find something positive to say. I like the band, but my first listen wasn't great :(
If you want a song that isn't boring you'd probably have to listen to Hunting For Witches or Song For Clay, both pretty epic.
But what you might call boring in Kreuzberg or Sunday I'd call really great :)

I can understand where you're coming from to an extent, this album seems a lot less urgent and edgy than Silent Alarm did, but I prefer this!
Songs For Clay is pretty good having given it a proper lesson.

As you say, when I first gave this album a listen it just didn't really stand out.
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