Bloc Party - A weekend in the city

Well been listening for about a week now, and this just gets better and better. I absolutly love listening to this album in the car, it's just fantastic. I believe the first 5 tracks on the album to be the best, and I love the single.

I can't rate this album highly enough, I played this around a mates the other day and some of them were unimpressed. I think many people are going to miss out on such a great record becuase it may take a couple of listens to get into.
Thanks for the reviews. I keep hearing one track on the radio (what is it?) and wasnt 'that' impressed. Would you say there are better tracks on the album? I understand it's a grower, just interested. :)
One More Solo said:
The Prayer is terrible, that's why people won't get into the album.

I wasn't fond of Prayer when I first heard it, infact I turned the channel over because I thought it was awful. But then I did listen to it all, and the chorus alone makes up for the rest of the song being a bit weird. I feel that they could have chosen another song for their first single from the album, because I think the majority of them are a lot stronger than Prayer.
Look what arrived today :)


ill have to go get this album, i was thinking about it earlier, deffo get it now.

sorry if its off topic, is the klaxons album any good?
Fav tracks have to be songs for clay, hunting for witches, 7.18, the prayer, uniform, on and i still remember - basically the first 6 songs and number 9. I will probably get into the rest of the album as i listen more
I've listened to the album a few times since getting it in the post yesterday and I really like it. Nothing really stands out for me, they all sound good to me. I was a bit concerned when I saw some posts saying it was crap or nowhere near as good as Silent Alarm.
Caerdydd said:

I'm gonna explode!

I went to the Astoria on Friday and have my ticket for Sheffield on the 22nd (IIRC?). The gig was really outstanding and they found a decent balance between new and old stuff, although, I was really disappointed not to get HFW, even though the other 2 nights did :(!
They better play it at Sheffield :D
Have a great time.

taz488 said:
ill have to go get this album, i was thinking about it earlier, deffo get it now.

sorry if its off topic, is the klaxons album any good?

'tis really really great, the stand-out tracks for me are Golden Skans / It's Not Over Yet / Totem On The Timeline and As Above, So Below.
:D I really like it!
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