I really need lumbar support, so that's good feedback thx. Also good to know that retrofitting isn't too much hassle. 535i would be great, but annual tax is €900 instead of €400 and registration is €1150 instead of €300. And then insurance is a killer as well. Yay Belgium.able to comment on this as been driving an estate version for a few weeks. seats aint too bad depending on how you usually sit but I do miss the lumbar support on longer journeys. im lead to believe its not hard to retrofit full electric. interiors are cheap over here in uk don't know about Netherlands.
engine wise im lead to believe its fairly bullet proof. one thing I would say that, is ive driven both the 328i & 528i and in the 5 series the engine does feel more underpowered as well as being worse on fuel. im hoping a tune at somepoint would solve this so unless your getting a good deal id bear this in mind as if its not a big difference id go for a 535i
I've been out of the BMW game for ages now. My last one was an M54B30. What's the deal with the current ones?There is nothing bulletproof about the 2 litre turbo engine!