BMW and M Power Owners

Thanks. I dont do a lot a mileage either. So wondering whether petrol would be a better bet. Although my situation may change.

Is 30miles a day bad for a diesel?
i'd have thought that the break-even point where diesel becomes a better option would be around 12-15k miles/yr

dpf and all that jazzle
There's no break even on a diesel, they break more frequently and you'll always end up out of pocket. Never getting a diesel again.
There's no break even on a diesel, they break more frequently and you'll always end up out of pocket. Never getting a diesel again.
My e350 has had one single fault (and I mean literally that, nothing so much as a single bulb has gone other than that) in 80k miles of ownership. The fault annoyingly was £475 all in (turbo variable vein actuator) but that is hardly bad over such a mileage (car now on approx 148k with no current faults).

Not much point to my post other than to balance the opinion that diesels are inherently expensive to maintain. I think you got very unlucky if the car is the one that I am thinking of...:)
We looked at the f11 this morning, beautiful car, great spec, engine made my Focus diesel sound refined (which is saying something!) and was puffing out grey/white smoke on tickover.

The gearbox changed like a ham fisted novice, it had a noticeable thrum from at least one wheel bearing.

I got out and said to him it's a lemon and to walk....

He rang me this afternoon to say its bought - and sold(!) - he's moved it on straight away and given me £200 for my time,paid £4.5k sold it for £7k!

I feel short-changed, even though I've done **** all! :o :D

I'm actually liking the luxury over m-sport. A bit more refined for me.

Having driven an f10 Luxury against an f10 M-Sport back to back, I couldn't disagree.
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