Whilst you have a high level of guarantee cover available, there are certain items which this guarantee specifically does not cover and this includes, but is not limited to, the following:
∙ Body components such as strikers, hinges or any component which may require adjustment from time to time
∙ Body panels, paintwork or glass
∙ Interior trim
∙ Recharging of the air conditioning unit (unless required as part of a valid repair)
∙ Renewal of brake components due to wear and tear
∙ Renewal of any clutch components due to wear, incorrect adjustment or misuse
∙ The clearing of fuel lines, filters, throttle bodies, injectors and pumps and damage to components due to the use of incorrect or contaminated fuel or the use of bio fuel outside of the manufacturer’s recommendations
∙ Airbags and connections, fuses, batteries, bulbs, exhaust systems, wiper blades, wheel balancing and alignment, wheels, tyres and water ingress (including damage to covered parts caused by water) ∙ Lubricants, filter elements and any damage caused by frost or lack of anti-freeze or by impact, accident or negligence
∙ Weather strips and body seals
∙ Any loss caused directly or indirectly by the claims or the event that caused the claim ∙ Damage resulting from the failure of a timing belt which has not been replaced as per the manufacturer’s recommendations (proof required)
∙ Batteries
∙ External charging system components (charge connector and cable, home charging dock and fast charging port)