I don't believe the key battery cannot be changed. Are you sure?Hi all, after some advise.
Car is an E89. Was away for almost 2 months, when I came back home I tried to unlock the car but the keyfob wouldn't do anything. Tried the second keyfob, nothing. Apparently my keyfob battery cannot be replaced, so can't be sure it's not both keyfobs.
I managed to unlock the car using the physical key, and inserting the keyfob into the slot does nothing, no lights come on when opening the doors, nothing on the dash either.
I left the car hooked onto a trickle charger for a full day, and this morning still nothing.
The trickle charger recognised the 12V battery and its type (leading me to believe the battery may be ok), and it's been charging all night, although it's still below 75%.
Any advise on what to do?
Edit to add, well, I stand corrected. Can you try and charge the internal battery? Apparently an electric wireless toothbrush charger will work.
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