It bugs me that LED front indicators aren't standard on the 6 series, they look so much better with them
So it's time to buy a warranty for the M3, the prices I've been quoted are as follows (all prices include BMW Emergency Service):
Fully comprehensive with £0 excess - £1209
Fully comprehensive with £100 excess - £920
Fully comprehensive with £350 excess - £760
Named comp with £0 excess - £969
Named comp with £100 excess - £777
Named comp with £250 excess - £649.01
Driveline with £0 excess - £750
Driveline with £100 excess - £613.01
Driveline with £250 excess - £521
Naturally the best cover will be the full comprehensive one, where I'd probably go for the £350 excess as on such a new car I hope it will be unlikely that I'll need to claim more than once per year, so I still work out £100 better off. However looking at what the
named component warranty covers it seems to be quite comprehensive? Basically I want to protect myself against throttle actuators failing, and the whole engine going bang, but whilst I'm paying a lot of money to do that, I might as well pay just that little bit more to get everything else covered too.
People only ever seem to go for the fully comprehensive warranty, is there a reason nobody seems to elect for the named component?