Engine & Drivetrain:
**Dash lights check a couple of times**
Chain work, any recalls or chain changes?
Noise from chain, whirring, rattling
Check Oil (& Cap), Coolant, other fluids. What oil has been used?
Blue Smoke at the back, any smoke up front?
Noises; tappets and lifters etc.
Ever had turbo changed and when? Boosts OK?
Gearbox, notchy/crunchy or sloppy?
No jumping out of any gear?
Clutch feels ok – no juddering? No slipping? No release bearing noise?
Listen for whining or rattling from Gearbox
Engine and gearbox mounts, much rocking of engine?
Easy to start?
Temp when idling, check fan kicks in
Steering rack noisy, notchy, sticky, dry spots, creaky/clicky
Tramlining? Any pulling left or right
Tracking – check tyre wear and how wheels sit
Wishbones, bushes etc – does the car sit level?
Steering doesn’t feel loose indicating worn ball joints etc?
Wheel bearing noise?
Drive full lock check for CV joint clicking or clonking
Brakes, Wheels & Tyres:
Check condition and wear of brakes and tyres
What are wheels like, corrosion, buckles, kerbing etc
What brand of tyres, do they match?
Exterior lights, heaters, anything worth trying etc, windows, interior lights, mirrors, wipers etc
Keyfobs to test locks, key in the door also
Condition of wheel, plastics, seats and bolster wear, door cards
Carpet condition, check not wet, same for A/B/C pillars and boot
Check all electrics inside work – lights, windows, wipers, stalks, switches etc
Seats feel solid, not rocky etc, same for door cards if leant on hard
Check seats recline and open to rear etc.
Rust in general and on the arches, hinges, (boot hinges/door hinges/bonnet hinges)
Dents/Scratches/Stone chips
Paint issues – laquer, fading, swirls etc, headlight fading/blotchy, skirts/bumpers loose
Check under the cills and jacking points for damage, under bumpers/skirts also for scuffs/cracks
Docs, History, Other:
All keys & fobs? Locking wheel nut key?
All history – manuals, service books (check stamps), receipts, MOT cert(s), tax discs, V5 docs, Original Folder, last service details?
Check HPI clear