Bombs sent to Obama, Clintons & CNN

29 Jul 2010
I'd never heard of npc memes before, so after being mentioned at least 3 times yesterday I googled it.

The first 4 references I came across were Reddit, 4Chan, alt-right and Breitbart

Suffice to say upon seeing who the people parroting out what they have been told to think were, I wasn't surprised.
18 Oct 2002
I don't know a lot about all of these "logical fallacies" and "false flag" operations, what I do know however are two inescapable truths, "he who denied it, supplied it", and; "the lady doth protest too much". As such I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that either yadda or tang0 are responsible for sending the fake bombs.

Case closed, I columbo'd it, hopefully now we can all stop this incredibly tedious argument, and I will never need to read about NPCs ever again.

The sad thing is, someone as unhinged form reality as Tango is exactly the kind of sociopath that would actually make a bomb
19 Nov 2009
I don't know a lot about all of these "logical fallacies" and "false flag" operations, what I do know however are two inescapable truths, "he who denied it, supplied it", and; "the lady doth protest too much". As such I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that either yadda or tang0 are responsible for sending the fake bombs.

Case closed, I columbo'd it, hopefully now we can all stop this incredibly tedious argument, and I will never need to read about NPCs ever again.

Bah. I'd have got away with it if it wasn't for you pesky NPC's.

30 Jul 2013
I'd never heard of npc memes before, so after being mentioned at least 3 times yesterday I googled it.

The first 4 references I came across were Reddit, 4Chan, alt-right and Breitbart

Suffice to say upon seeing who the people parroting out what they have been told to think were, I wasn't surprised.

Same, except I couldn't be bothered to google it - But it is amusing that suddenly all the same people are parroting the same terms.

And they call us sheep...
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13 Aug 2010
I do like the way there are people who have jumped on the 'false flag' conspiracy without any evidence. Much like POTUS only the other day saying middle easterners are amongst the caravan of asylum seekers without having any evidence at all.

Trump supporters need an enemy and Trump will keep providing hate figures it doesn't matter to him what the fallout is.
12 Sep 2012
Weird, its not like he is directly involved in politics - just outspoken. Is Taylor Swift next just because she is pro Hillary?

With outspoken actors getting targeted, it makes you think that this is more and more likely just a OTT angry prank designed to make these democrats feel unsafe. I dont think either side is particularly welcoming these events.

Do we have confirmation as to whether the bombs are even functional?
26 Dec 2003
As expected this whole thing has been heavily politicised by the left, they're just trying to portray the far right boogeyman as a way bigger problem than it really is presumably to help them in the midterms by scaring the left silly.

It's like the thread I made about the Obama era "American High School" documentary that the BBC renamed and re-aired recently calling it "Segregated America" because of course now Trump is in office there's suddenly a massive racism problem that didn't exist before and the BBC have been showing KKK (Democrat creation) documentaries etc. You've got Nike sponsored NFL footballers kneeling and bringing divisive politics into Americas most popular sport, Nike sponsored Tennis players wearing all black outfits and referencing it to Black Panther and every other media story is about some racist incident, despite record high black employment under Trump he's a racist. White supremacist rallies struggle to get a few thousand people because in reality it's only a few backward hillbillies but it suits the left to blow the 'threat' all out of proportion to rile up their own base and violent Antifa types and then the more the left get violent in their crusade against imaginary fascists the more of a response you get from the right as a kickback - it's like a feedback loop. People just need to chill out and stop allowing themselves to become so polarised.

Much of the division/hostility is being created by the CORPORATE media and Democrats, if people think corporations don't have their own political agendas and have the best interest of the people in mind and don't try to influence government policy then they've obviously never heard of lobbyists. I'm surprised anyone can still take the corporate media seriously after seeing how biased they were against Trump both before and ever since the elections.
18 Oct 2002
....portray the far right boogeyman? We'll just ignore right wing attacks being a significant proportion of US domestic terrorism. The mental gymnastics of some people...
13 May 2003
Occams razor it was a some lone nut job who hates "liberals" and Democrats and all that stuff. No doubt in a few days or weeks the FBI or someone will be knocking on the door of some house to arrest some lonely bloke who reads too much Guns and Ammo.
7 Nov 2003
As expected this whole thing has been heavily politicised by the left, they're just trying to portray the far right boogeyman as a way bigger problem than it really is presumably to help them in the midterms by scaring the left silly.

When was the last time someone from the far-left committed an act of terrorism? Or, you know, shot an MP if we're going to do down that route.
30 Jul 2013
7 Jul 2011
It's like the thread I made about the Obama era "American High School" documentary that the BBC renamed and re-aired recently calling it "Segregated America" because of course now Trump is in office there's suddenly a massive racism problem that didn't exist before and the BBC have been showing KKK (Democrat creation) documentaries etc.

In real terms it's no more of a problem than it was under Obama, the debate is just much louder now because your white supremacist types and your woe is me white guys feel like they have "their guy" in the white house, allowing them to press ahead with their political agenda. As a reaction your BLM and your wet liberal ********* types are doing what they have done for 100 odd years and reacting through protest. All of this is reported by the media because, guess what, it's news.

It's not overly helped by the fact that you've got a deranged wotsit sat in the oval office spouting bile and praising the use of violence as a way to suppress political opinions. Then again if the democats hadn't put forward an untrustworthy incompetent as their candidate for the last election this wouldn't be an issue.

I've tried to use derogatory slurs for both sides of the spectrum in this post as that's the GD way of providing balanced commentary.
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