indeed.... Men seem to generally get the blame for this kind of peer pressure, and sure this thread has a few purile comments.... but in general and having lived and worked mostly with women (i rented out rooms in my house for 6 years or so) I have found women to be far more judgemental than men when it comes to stuff like this. (ooo look at X Y Z isnt he/she a state, they have let themselves go, who do they think they are, mutton dressed up as lamb etc etc etcO)
where as IME blokes may be a bit pervy esp when its someone with revealing clothes on - ie look at her, she is fit........ but then that is the end of it and equally the comments could be about page 3 style people or petite athletic types.
it is funny. (some) women have a problem with men looking at them where as i imagine for the most part blokes would love women to look at them and say, phwar look at that bloke over there, he is fit!. (remember the diet coke break advert?)
sorry just random thoughts and probably not structured very well.