Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

I hammered borderlands on console and bought the goty edition on pc a few weeks back for 8 quid :) and been playing it abit when not on skyrim but looking to get back into pc gaming more i reckon so will get borderlands 2 on the pc .
it'll have so many guns, that you'll be totally confused what to use, but as long as it has sniper rifles like the 1st game i dont mind.

it might be a mistake to have it too similar to the 1st game, because that got a bit boring at the end, i'm more excited by FAR CRY 3
Why are you more excited by the sequel to a game which was pretty damn poor over one which was pretty decent but flawed?

This coming from someone who thinks that Far Cry 2 "wasn't that bad"
Confirmed today that it will be using Steamworks. Yay.

Confirmed where/by who?

Just fired up Borderlands today to start a new char for coop. The gamespy ID thing is so annoying.

Any new info on the classes? Looking at the wiki they have some information on skills that have been seen but there isn't much to go on.
Maya (the new Siren) seems to be the support role, her skills were similar to Liliths but she has a lot of team-based healing and support skills using her special skill.
Salvador seems to be a cross between Brick and Roland with the whole gunzerker thing. Lots of crazy damage dealing and damage soaking skills.
Nothing to go on for the other 2. At a guess, Zero is a combination of Mordecai's sharpshooting role and Liliths assassin/melee role. The other guy sounds very similar to the current Soldier unless he has more offence type skills rather than healing/support.
the classes, and the characters all look similar. just re designed to try and give it a fresh look.

only thing i wont be looking forward to after playing #1 for countless hours is looking for weapons i like again lol!
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