Let's not be disengenuous - there is a crucial difference between "steam only" games and "epic only" games. One, Valve never paid anyone for exclusivity, Epic does. Two, games that use Steamworks are regularly sold and available in dozens of other places (and Valve gets 0 from those sales), while Epic exclusives are so far only available on Epic Store (and in the future, humble store). Three, Steam is a feature packed platform, Epic is a barebones store without even such basic stuff as playtime tracking - so with Epic, people are actively getting worse product for same money.So I assume you boycott all the games that are only available on steam?
well September 13th is confirmed and epic game store exclusive also!
Love the epic store it is saving me so much money this year , on games i will not get now ...
I've put near 1000 hours into SoulsBorne games and I'm still more than happy to wait for Sekiro to go down in price before buying. I can sure as hell wait for Borderlands.I salute your stalwart nature. I for one will be entertaining myself by bookmarking the thread and seeing how many people who say they wont get it , actually end up buying it once everyone is playing it and hooting about how much fun it is. I'm calling it the Borderlands 3 - 180 virtual game companion
I've put near 1000 hours into SoulsBorne games and I'm still more than happy to wait for Sekiro to go down in price before buying. I can sure as hell wait for Borderlands.
6 month Epic store exclusive! September is one long wait though!
We'll see if everyone's principles are as sturdy and impervious as yours or whether wills will waiver in the face of peer pressure and the green eyed envy monster.
Didnt say it was.Exclusivity is anti-competitive.
Very few games are day 1 purchases for me. Put FO5 or ESVI on there and I may reconsider. Until then, nope.
Epic exclusives are so far only available on Epic Store (and in the future, humble store). .