Really looking forward to buying the GOTY edition for a tenner in about five years. Having said that, my Steam stats tell me that my Borderlands 2 problem is even worse than my Bejewelled problem. I know I kid myself that I use these things to unwind with on my laptop while half-watching telly, or for chewing up time when I'm trying not to chew up biscuits, but 576 hours, even spread over 4.5 years seems... a little excessive! Half of that might be my frustrated attempts to get through UVHM though.
I guess I could justify paying full price for this at launch, but... must resist! I have a library of unplayed games and of course I now have to do the enhanced Borderlands 1 again, just for the visual jollies. Makes this laptop chug a bit though!
Fear not! Your Borderlands problem pales in comparison to mine. COUGH1500HOURSCOUGH! That's just for BL2.
As you can see my boycotting of BL3 until it's on Steam is a big, BIG deal for me!