**Borderlands Pre Sequel** SHIFT keys in first post!

Got laugh at some of the scores on metacritic, people scoring it after a few hours play. Pretty sure people just give it bad scores without even owning the game.

For example:

Oct 16, 2014
wow this gmae is a all time low for the industry never before (other than cod) has a game of such low standard been legally allowed been released this should be criminal . this game is comparable to stealling and raping
I only got it as I've had so many issues getting BL2 to work, then found out my main steam character was corrupt when I finally got in. No way I'm playing through that storyline again as much as I enjoyed it. Much rather play something new.

Fingers crossed, most of the issues I've read about can be patched so I'm not that worried.
The *nix port is working well, Only played for an hour. Want to finish BL2 first.

Certainly ain't a slow starter. Straight into it as soon as you land in the station .
I won't be buying this in the near future, it looks like a DLC rather than a new game. It also seems to have a short campaign compared to BL2 (a reviewer completed it + the raid boss in 25 hours). Maybe in a year or two, with some DLCs.
Has this got the same charm as the previous 2? It's just suddenly come out... Not as much hype?

It's not as good as Borderlands 2 IMO, nowhere near.

It's still funny and i love the low gravity and oxygen mask scenarios. For instance, if you like to set things on fire, you have make sure you're in an oxygen filled environment. Kinda cool.

However, where it falls down:

The locations aren't all that inspiring at the moment, nothing like BL2.
The accents/voice acting is terribad and ******* annoying.
I don't think the characters are as good as BL2.
I was a big fan of the BL/BL2 series, (did a whole load of playthroughs to all the OP levels, played with friends, randoms, solo, totally loved the whole thing)

About to give it a go now and over the weekend, I'm kinda expecting it to me *ok* but in reading what most people have to say, it sounds weaker than BL2..
Dammit! Bought this to play this weekend, as my internet was supposed to be activated today, but they are having issues, so I am stuck connecting through my phone and unable to even download the install :(
I've lost count of how many moonstones have fallen in lava or floated off the level.. :( damn low grav lol

Level 16 now. Will put it down now for tonight.
Got in from work and done an hour on this, got into it really quickly. I'm doing my first playthrough with Athena and she seems to be a pretty decent character, the Aspis is really good and has a quick recharge rate.

Only a lvl7 so far but I've just been messing with the opening missions (Deadlift etc). Got some rewards in the shape of guns and moonstones from having some BL1&2 saves on my system.

Enjoying it so far and it'll be interesting to see how Jack changes as the game goes on. It does seem like they have recycled a lot of BL1&2 into this one but at the same time its enjoyable. I get the impression that it will make for a fun filler game to bridge BL1&2 and certainly something to play with until they do a third Borderlands (if they do....hope they do!). I put god knows how many hours of my life into the other two so hopefully can get some good playtime from this one.

Having one or two minor performance issues at the moment but nothing to really detract from the gameplay. I'm getting some decent fps and no slow downs but I do get some tearing on the screen which is really annoying (780ti, 1920x1080) so I'll be messing with the settings and seeing what I can change to improve it.
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Both sides still need to release drivers for the game I think. Only had a few slow downs with the PhysX effects on Ultra on my 970, mostly with acid.
Playing fine of mostly high settings, not noticed any slow down but my tired old 7850 is showing its age!

Up to lvl 7 and thoroughly enjoying it :) some people seem a bit disappointed by it but what are people expecting, its more of the same old borderlands I've enjoyed from the last two instalments. Some very entertaining and funny dialogue, crazy selection of weapons and looking forward to see how the story goes. Some of the level areas seem a bit lacking compared to the last two but I have only just got past deadlift.

Tempted to grab the season pass, got a 25% off code for gmg. Loved all the other dlc for BL1/2
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