**Borderlands Pre Sequel** SHIFT keys in first post!

I can't bring myself to play this :( I think about it then when it comes to load it up I just think my time is better spent playing something else. It's weird because I'm usually all over games with random loot.
Dinged 20 last night, just finishing up some side-quests on Helios before going to what I assume will be the final part of the story. Been an enjoyable romp so far, and looking forward to my second run through and getting more skillzzz.
Forgot i had this in my steam account
Just fired it up to put the shift codes in and also selected claptrap
Will be on this sometime this week, been trying to get my brother to come off b4 and fm for ages now to give borderlands a try..
Think i may of won him over

Took you long enough, only been at me for about a year to play it... and good news! I think I'm finally getting into it, took me long enough, had a save with Wilhelm, didn't like it, so tried Athena, then after reading about her, seems she's more of a melee type character and I prefer being all guns blazing :P so it was either Nisha or Wilhelm again... Gone for Wilhelm and after reading about things, characters, guns and skill trees, I'm slightly beginning to understand.
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Anyone found the mario easter egg yet? Stayed on one of those elevating platforms too long and suddenly ended up in Mario land :D
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Level 25 now and still haven't finished my first play-through, game is much longer than I was expecting! Got my first legendary (crappy shield) which I can now grind a few times until I get a shield I want :D
So completed my first play through last night. Managed to get a few legendary's on the way also. 2 shields, a grenade mod, a class mod for Wilhelm (for the boyfriend) and The ZX-1 which I love!

Spoiler for final boss:
Final boss fight is good! Lots of Guardians (them alien things) to kill, and there is 2 bosses (one after the other). Did it easily with a team of 4, dunno about doing it solo :eek:

I have not taken TVH yet, there is a mission which you can get after the final boss fight called "The Bestest Story Ever"...it is recommended to do this with friends (sounds like Terramorphis!) so I need to find people at level 26+ on Normal Mode to do it :D

Love playing as ClapTrap too :)

Steam Name: trixilux - add me :)
Finished my first play, around 14 hours mostly main story.

The final boss battle(s) are amongst the best on any BL game, brilliant.

Just on my second play of normal with the aimbot chick, as she'll be handy in tvh.

Also for those interested (Rossi;)) I have functioning loot mods after quite a bit of effort, Orange, Orange everywhere :D
I have not taken TVH yet, there is a mission which you can get after the final boss fight called "The Bestest Story Ever"...it is recommended to do this with friends (sounds like Terramorphis!) so I need to find people at level 26+ on Normal Mode to do it :D

Love playing as ClapTrap too :)

Steam Name: trixilux - add me :)

i won't spoil it but you can solo it on normal (not high enough to try tvhm yet), I'm Nisha and i pretty much ran out of all my ammo but i did it without having to respawn. i'm lvl 32 now and i've started tvhm, i'm finding it harder than that boss fight tbh! loads of elemental rail guns = painful and frequent deaths :D
Just finished first play through, very good, still only 1 legendary so far.

Final boss I just face-tanked with a powerful shotgun and Athena's Aspis. Only died twice.
On solo the final boss, the raid boss and the secret boss were all painfully easy. Ran out of ammo? in normal mode, really? Running out of one gun sure but most of the beam lasers end up better than dual pistols even when spec'd for it. Because the beam is basically instant hit and disgustingly fast fire rate it gets hits much more often on moving targets than pistols which a target moving sideways bullets miss a lot.

Then simply because beams with +150% continuous damage mods drop so often in every flavour. Again Nisha's aimbot skill + continuous fire damage and no missing basically make it ridiculous. With dual wield you lose damage aiming to get critical hits in aimbot mode as it goes to one gun. With the beam you don't. I'd say half the time I end up doing more damage with beams than pistols. This does depend on stage of the game, towards end game I did finally get a truly epic pistol for the level, 422x2 damage pistols(I guess I was level 30 or so, at level 36 I think the highest pistol damage I've seen is something like a 600 ish purple, so these guns are lasting very well) with explosive damage as well is pretty awesome. But I'd say for 85% of play through beams did more damage than pistols due to aiming/critical damage and simply having much stronger lasers than pistols throughout most of the play through.

Got a silly number of legendaries also, I got the package grenade jobby three times in the first play through, from the number of people that have gotten it I think it's an almost certain drop by design at some stage. Got legendary shield, class mod, oxygen pack, 3x grenade and about 2 guns in the first play through. oxygen pack and maybe one of the weapons came from vending machine, rest from drops.

Farmed the secret boss, maybe 8 kills to get the rocket, which dropped so low level it wasn't even useful for grinder as no point having a 10 level to low legendary for second play through. Did the raid boss twice, final boss once(extra)(if you go in without paying the moonstone the normal boss spawns again). I got a leg on first normal go at the final boss, none on the other three, then started tvhm as I was bored.

I'm about 98% sure I saw one legendary(again 98% sure it wasn't money) fly off into a crack in the wall and not able to pick it up. Also seen a legendary get stuck way up above head height, I was running around picking crap up for ages and came insanely close to missing it completely.

ON second playthrough I've seen at least 5 legendaries in vending machines in the first, I guess 2 hours of the playthrough, if that. I've bought two, others haven't been useful for Nisha. They don't seem particularly rare though at all.
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So started this yesterday morning and had it all wrapped up in about 11 hours for the main story in PT1

Just dealt with Felicity in PT2 which was a long, long fight but I suspect we were underlevelled for that fight :)

Did some of the side missions too but one in particular grabbed my attention:

Sir Hammerlock asks you to 'adopt' him some Threshers. Sent to Pandora via rocket which you plant them in with some soil.....they look suspiciously like small versions of Terra and Old Slappy - utterly brilliant! Threshers on Pandora is his fault :p

The ghostbuster E-gun is amazing for boss fights with Nisha. 200%+ continuous damage bonus on top of the normal damage, which in showdown is boosted further and also ensures you are always on aim. I'm sure you could create an invincible build if you also used some laser damage boosting Oz kit etc.

Just managed to craft a Legendary Maggie pistol from grinding a couple of rocket launchers and a purple Jakobs pistol, doing the moonstone grind option. They have a really good Luneshine buff - 30% chance to ignore enemy shields :cool:.
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^got a legendary sniper last night, completely ignored all enemy shields, has a 29 round clip and fires like a machine gun. Made incredibly light work of the bosun :D
I'm terribly underwhelmed by this. The player characters are weak, the NPCs lack the charisma of BL2 and I'm struggling to get into it. There have been a few LOL moments, but it's not as funny either. It has given me the urge to go back to BL2 though.
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