**Borderlands Pre Sequel** SHIFT keys in first post!

I'm terribly underwhelmed by this. The player characters are weak, the NPCs lack the charisma of BL2 and I'm struggling to get into it. There have been a few LOL moments, but it's not as funny either. It has given me the urge to go back to BL2 though.

Yeah. But then again, I don't know many who play Borderlands for the story or script. Although it seems to pick up 1/2 way through quite nicely.

And way-hay, first legendary. Bonus Package! And the Buffalo gun makes a return (one of my favorite gun in BL2). The laser beams (Moxxi / E-Gun) are totally overpowered though. What'd be even more overpowered and totally cool is if you could use that gun to heal up team mates.
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Keep getting the freeze effect bug, not good :( Need to go back and grind a little, zarp's fight is not fun.

Is that where you're permanently walking slowly? I've had that once - it went away after I got frozen again.

The problem I've had recently is lockups. The Nvidia display drivers just stop working. The graphics freeze, the gameplay freezes, but the music keeps playing. The only thing I can do is log out or reboot. And that ofcourse kills my progress. It seemed to be linked to a caustic laser that I was using (that went off like a shotgun), as the freezes always seemed to happen just after I'd pull the trigger.

I'm now stuck on the RK5 fight. I've lost count of how many times I've died on that :(
I'll be finishing my first play through tonight. Took me a while as i've done all side quests and trying to find all the extra stuff (which i soon gave up). Level 28 at the moment, what level is the boss?

Also, other players, hit me up as i'll be on TVHM soon: PWee_Yaayuh
I think I'm ready to start co-oping like normal now. Still epically tired from playing this all weekend though. Off the next 2 days so hit me up (Steam in sig :)) whenever :D
Keep getting the freeze effect bug, not good :( Need to go back and grind a little, zarp's fight is not fun.

You can glitch Zarp. Find a high place to hide, and you can avoid her Nova and most of her attacks. There's a place to the right of the elevator you can reach that she can't, and gives good cover.

It's the old crappy Borderlands way of doing 'hard' bosses. So I have no qualms exploiting boss glitches whenever I can.
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Is that where you're permanently walking slowly? I've had that once - it went away after I got frozen again.

Yup, had it about 6 times now, it's a pain when there is nothing there to freeze yourself again though! (bloody spaceship)

Will try glitching her, got into a bad cycle and just re spawning / running out of money / ammo and getting frustrating lol.
So started this yesterday morning and had it all wrapped up in about 11 hours for the main story in PT1

Just dealt with Felicity in PT2 which was a long, long fight but I suspect we were underlevelled for that fight :)

Did some of the side missions too but one in particular grabbed my attention:

Sir Hammerlock asks you to 'adopt' him some Threshers. Sent to Pandora via rocket which you plant them in with some soil.....they look suspiciously like small versions of Terra and Old Slappy - utterly brilliant! Threshers on Pandora is his fault :p


He calls one Terry as well, if you missed that part.
This friggin' grinder will give me every pistol other than the Maggie. I ain't starting TVHM until I have my Maggie damn it!

I'm pretty sure I used a purple Jakobs pistol in the last slot to get mine.


From what i remember from BL2 there was a few different versions, so not sure if the one I got is the best type. i remember one even had a stock attached for better accuracy.
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I'll be finishing my first play through tonight. Took me a while as i've done all side quests and trying to find all the extra stuff (which i soon gave up). Level 28 at the moment, what level is the boss?

Also, other players, hit me up as i'll be on TVHM soon: PWee_Yaayuh

I will add you tonight. Want to start TVHM myself with Nisha.
Got my Maggie pretty much straight after making that post :p. Also made the IVF which is like the Baby Maker from BL2 and wrecks many of the bosses simply by firing one shot and reloading. I'm level 35 at Crisis Scar on TVHM if anyone wants to co-op :).
Got my Maggie pretty much straight after making that post :p. Also made the IVF which is like the Baby Maker from BL2 and wrecks many of the bosses simply by firing one shot and reloading. I'm level 35 at Crisis Scar on TVHM if anyone wants to co-op :).

Nice one.:D What was your recipe?

So far I have 5 Legendaries with 2 characters, Nisha and Claptrap. Missed out on 2 launchers, 1 at level 18(32k+) and the other level 22(132k+), just did'nt have enough money.:mad:
Nice one.:D What was your recipe?

So far I have 5 Legendaries with 2 characters, Nisha and Claptrap. Missed out on 2 launchers, 1 at level 18(32k+) and the other level 22(132k+), just did'nt have enough money.:mad:

The same two 'Thingy's and some random purple level 28 pistol. It just refused to come out with the Maggie :p.
So the final boss was different, but easy as pie. Finished Normal mode on level 29. Just got Iwajira now and maybe Nel.

I'm thinking Wilhelm is a bit easy to be honest. He's powerful but has the drones to distract enemies, like a cross between the Gunzerker and Mechromancer of BL2.
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