
Still no B3 announcement. B2 was nearly 6 years ago to the day and even the Pre-Sequel was four years ago. They'd admitted they're working on it, but no announcement either says they're doing something massive (MMO/Destiny style persistent universe?) or they're not happy with what they've done so aren't willing to show anything yet. Maybe E3 next year?
Only rumour floating around is the Take Two title that was pushed back to financial year 2019-2020 could be it. Earliest release date would put it at April 2019 if that's the case.

Fingers crossed.
Was'nt there some talk about introducing loot boxes, but the fan base were not to happy about that. I still think they have a fair bit to do.
And it's all gone to ****. Attempting the last level at level 28, recommended is 30. Blew myself up with splash damage from a Torgue explosive weapon. Anarchy lost and now the game is so hard that I can barely get into double digits of anarchy before I die again. What a noob.
Yeah Take Two want loot boxes in all future games. Gearbox don't.

here's hoping gearbox gets their way then, or at least makes them unobtrusive.

And it's all gone to ****. Attempting the last level at level 28, recommended is 30. Blew myself up with splash damage from a Torgue explosive weapon. Anarchy lost and now the game is so hard that I can barely get into double digits of anarchy before I die again. What a noob.

that can happen, go back to an earlier zone and rack up some stacks before going back.
here's hoping gearbox gets their way then, or at least makes them unobtrusive.

Fingers crossed. Apparently Randy (still a stupid name!) has refused to sell BL2 golden keys which still get given away on the regular :)

that can happen, go back to an earlier zone and rack up some stacks before going back.

I'd hate to do Hero's Pass again! :p
Started playing through again as Axton, as i've only ever played through BL1 and BL2 as snipers. I dont really see the point in other classes, even now with Axton, as you just chew through so much ammo trying to kill baddies or try to aim at their head with inaccurate weapons.

Back to Zer0 i think.
Started playing through again as Axton, as i've only ever played through BL1 and BL2 as snipers. I dont really see the point in other classes, even now with Axton, as you just chew through so much ammo trying to kill baddies or try to aim at their head with inaccurate weapons.

Back to Zer0 i think.

ammo regen is your freind, as is carrying different weapon classes (ar, pistol, smg) so when you run out you switch to another with a full ammo stock.
The novelty with Gaige has worn off somewhat now as I keep getting killed and losing my lovely stacks of anarchy. But I have decided to progress through to level 50 with her mainly because I want to see how she can tackle Terramorphous on her own - whether the anarchy makes it relatively easy or not. Only got one shot at it though!

After yesterday's post about the final level, I did manage to get through Hero's Pass and reach The Warrior with about 150 stacks of anarchy and the fight took about 2 minutes maybe instead of the usual 10. So a definite improvement.

One other thing - what is it with Gaige's class mods? They all seem mostly the same few, boring upgrades. Is there a class mod that gives you tastier skill bonuses like more than 400 stacks of anarchy or what? Saying that, I only ever get to about 350-odd before something kills me.
The novelty with Gaige has worn off somewhat now as I keep getting killed and losing my lovely stacks of anarchy. But I have decided to progress through to level 50 with her mainly because I want to see how she can tackle Terramorphous on her own - whether the anarchy makes it relatively easy or not. Only got one shot at it though!

After yesterday's post about the final level, I did manage to get through Hero's Pass and reach The Warrior with about 150 stacks of anarchy and the fight took about 2 minutes maybe instead of the usual 10. So a definite improvement.

One other thing - what is it with Gaige's class mods? They all seem mostly the same few, boring upgrades. Is there a class mod that gives you tastier skill bonuses like more than 400 stacks of anarchy or what? Saying that, I only ever get to about 350-odd before something kills me.

i think they decided the maximum was bad enough
This Blitz character mod is awesome, only using a shotty, but with the rotating turret(360 degrees)+60% RoF & 6% ammo regen, the damage is insane. Lots of shock damage.

Going to see how it does against Rakkhive later.
Started playing through again as Axton, as i've only ever played through BL1 and BL2 as snipers. I dont really see the point in other classes, even now with Axton, as you just chew through so much ammo trying to kill baddies or try to aim at their head with inaccurate weapons.

Back to Zer0 i think.

Good luck sniping in UVHM :p

Krieg! The meat man calls your name. He plays ass backwards though.

Maya should appeal too. The right tree is nuts and the others give crowd control to insane levels!

@ic1male she has better class mods at the higher levels with the 2nd gen stuff that drops at level 61+ which should allow you to get 600 stacks! :D
Does nobody play The Pre-Sequel? I've only been through it once yonks ago. I played as Wilhelm with his flying drones. It had some nice bits in it - loved all the references to the previous two games but it didn't seem to grip me as much and hence I've never revisited it.
My first play of it was a 24 hour livestream as Athena - great fun but something didn't click. Did take Nisha and Jack to level 30 but no further. There wasn't much to do after finishing either I guess.
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