@Psymonkee to answer that question !
Which is Krieg’s best track do you guys think? I’ve never got past level 10 with him yet. My aim is to get all six into Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode before I tackle The Pre-Sequel again.
Short answer: ALL OF THEM!
The key to Krieg is each of his trees whilst powerful lack a certain something really shine when combined with skills in other trees. To feel his true power you need to go fairly deep into TVHM or possible into UVHM for max attack!
Quick rundown of the trees:
Mag size increases
Reload speed increases
Weapon switch speed increases
Damage resistance whilst rampaging (action skill)
Thrown axe damage
Capstone is an INSANE explosive boost that can literally clear rooms!
Max Health
Action Skill recharge
Fire Rate
FFYL duration
Explosive damage
Melee Damage
Shield regen delay
Potential self melee
Possible friendly fire damage
Fire rate
Weapon accuracy
Reload speed
Mag size
Elemental effect chance
Damage resistance (while on fire!)
You get set on fire. A lot!
Critical damage (skill dependant!)
The most important thing about Krieg is he likes to get up close and personal. He'll likely be at a high risk of dying but if the crazy plan of smacking things in the face (be it melee or guns) then you'll be laughing whilst your heart pounds!
Starting out I would avoid the Hellborn tree since being on fire is not useful for now so it's a choice between Mania and Bloodlust. Mania can be squishy but powerful and Bloodlust makes gunplay easier but doesn't boost damage much. Pick your poison!
I'd personally suggest Bloodlust as it's the most forgiving. Go shoot things and get increased mag size so you can keep shooting without reloading. You'll be able to steamroll NVHM with any tree but this is easiest.
Suggested build would look like this:
This should allow you to keep your distance if you're not comfortable with melee. On the other hand though.....
Try melee:
Tips for melee: In early levels (sub 31!) whilst his rampage is strong he is weak going into it. You get full health on a kill and damage boosts while your shields are DOWN - use it carefully and you can shred enemies in seconds.
Anymore questions post here or catch me on Steam (link in sig!) and I'll help you out!