
Is there no form of crafting then? Seems pretty pointless offering 87 bajillion guns if none of them are any good for your character class :)
I had this delivered last night, couldnt see anyplace to link it to my Steam account. Only option it had was Gamespy? Is that right? How am I meant to find games with my people on Steam if I have to use Gamespy? :confused:
I had this delivered last night, couldnt see anyplace to link it to my Steam account. Only option it had was Gamespy? Is that right? How am I meant to find games with my people on Steam if I have to use Gamespy? :confused:

Maybe you can only link it after the game goes live on steam?
i got the game, and i think its seemless! great game, not as good as other mmo's, but what other mmo do you have which is selfshaded, looks great and the leveling up you can do is cool... i like it ill put some screen shots up later..
i got the game, and i think its seemless! great game, not as good as other mmo's, but what other mmo do you have which is selfshaded, looks great and the leveling up you can do is cool... i like it ill put some screen shots up later..

Its not an MMO.
i got the game, and i think its seemless! great game, not as good as other mmo's, but what other mmo do you have which is selfshaded, looks great and the leveling up you can do is cool... i like it ill put some screen shots up later..

It is good because it isn't an MMO :) (although I will admit it is pretty close!)
This is a good game, only two problems for me.

1. The graphics ,after a hour or so playing, give me a headache.

2. It becomes boring fast ! Like drunkmaster said for any gamer who has played a MMO and loves them should really stay away from this. There is nothing to make you level up. Nothing to grind for. No end game content.

Though i can see it been addictive for those people who havent played an MMO before.


Fallout 3 IMO destroys this game.
This is a good game, only two problems for me.

1. The graphics ,after a hour or so playing, give me a headache.

2. It becomes boring fast ! Like drunkmaster said for any gamer who has played a MMO and loves them should really stay away from this. There is nothing to make you level up. Nothing to grind for. No end game content.

Though i can see it been addictive for those people who havent played an MMO before.


Fallout 3 IMO destroys this game.


It's not an MMO. You cannot compare it to FO3 as they are completely different genres.

I've had more fun playing 4 hours of BL than 50 hours of FO3.

Also, the game comes in to it's own when co-opping, which won't really be happening properly until midnight tonight for UK players.

It's like rating L4D based on a single player run of the campaigns only!
I hope my copy has been dropped through the letterbox when I get home !!!

mate got his copy yesterday and said he played for five hours straight and couldn't put it down,...
Why the hell to people think this is an MMO?

It's a Co-Op FPS with RP elements.

It manages to fit it all in well and you can't really say you've played the game until you're online co-oping with friends.
You cannot compare it to FO3 as they are completely different genres.

What genres are they then?

Fallout 3 - First person RPG (With exp and leveling) with mostly gun or melee based combat and quests/missions.

Borderlands - First person RPG (With exp and leveling) with mostly gun or melee based combat and quests/missions.

It's not an MMO. You cannot compare it to FO3 as they are completely different genres.

I've had more fun playing 4 hours of BL than 50 hours of FO3.

Also, the game comes in to it's own when co-opping, which won't really be happening properly until midnight tonight for UK players.

It's like rating L4D based on a single player run of the campaigns only!

Hang on, not like an MMO ? Dude you seriously need to google the inspiration behind this game. Its ok ill do it for you, it was WOW. Is WOW an MMO yes it is. The loot the levelling, its basically a WOW copy with guns. However once you have wasted your time to get to 50 there is nothing there for you.

Why cant you compare it to FO3? There both FPSRPG's. You dont really make any sense with what you say dude. Not to mention ive played the co-op on a 360 and its nothing special, but then again this game was probably tailor made for people like you dude.

Really before you try to destroy a statement, think about the reply first.
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