Oh yeah, does friendly fire hurt in this?
nope, but if you shoot a barrel when a team mate is close it will do SERIOUS damage!
If your a solider your friendly fire can heal
Oh yeah, does friendly fire hurt in this?
Oh yeah, does friendly fire hurt in this?
Cool, Steam has always worked fine for me in L4D, so I'm happy with that if others are.
So 2 slots open for a new level 1 game tonight from 7pm!
Fenris - Hunter
kr00t0n - Class undecided, will play whatever is left if others have a preference.
Oh yeah, does friendly fire hurt in this?
i would love to join in!
I'll be RapidWardrobe and i'll be a soldier, or something else if someone else wants to be a soldier! Don't really want to be a hunter as that is my sp character!
i would love to join in!
I'll be RapidWardrobe and i'll be a soldier, or something else if someone else wants to be a soldier! Don't really want to be a hunter as that is my sp character!
I loved the single player on fallout 3, is this similar? is it much more techy? just not sure if i would like it or not and i would play sp only.
It's much more an FPS with RPG elements and loot farming, whereas FO3 is more RPG with FPS elements.
I've decided to give Brick a go this eve, so the 4th (should we get one) can be whatever.
Do I need to add you and RapidWardrobe to my gamespy friends list thing?
I think so, you weren't in the list I printed off at work and added last night, will do the same when I get home
Im in, Ill go soldier.
Gamespy is Nieldo but Ill add you guys.
we gonna do a steam group chat and get the mics on?
if one of you knows how to forward ports get one of you to host a vent server tbh, you only need to forward one port and it's much clearer than steam chat.
I shall do this then, thanks