Botched execution in the US

29 Mar 2007
Swindon UK
If you are going to have the death penalty then it needs to be carried out relatively humanely, sadly none of the historical methods always offer that. (Advance apologies for grisly nature of post):
Electric chair - can still be botched (dry sponge in Green Mile comes to mind albeit probably exagerrated) and probably not very pleasant for the guards or witnesses to watch/smell.
Gas chamber - person is effectively forced to kill themselves by inhaling the vapour and not a quick death reading historical accounts.
Shooting - whether firing squad or back of the neck. Imprecise and potentially messy. Chinese have purportedly switched to lethal injection as alternative to AK47 bullet to the neck.
Guillotine - *probably* quick and painless at least using the German fallbeil which almost resembled a surgical instrument, but messy aftermath.
Hanging - judicial hanging as practiced in the UK towards the latter period of capital punishment is probably the best alternative. However it needs precision calculated drop and proper noose, not the traditional US "cowboy coil" and average drop. There is also still a possibility of botching it with a clumsy executioner thus that the victim strangles or ends up decapitated.

Which does tend to leave lethal injection as the only clinically "clean" method. Or I guess the only other option is to devise some means of getting the prisoner to imbibe the fatal cocktail used in that Swiss euthanasia clinic.

A very emotive subject and one on which it is difficult to hold a precise view, particularly when faced with a heinious crime. Personally I think the most sickening part of the US system is that the condemned are kept waiting on death row far longer than the "life" tariff for similar crimes would be in many countries.
12 May 2005
Personally I'd choose firing squad without a blindfold stood facing forwards.
It's a far more dignified way to go than being strapped to a chair inside a brightly lit death chamber.

The death penalty is necessary as there are so many evil people in this world.
24 Mar 2012
Personally I'd choose firing squad without a blindfold stood facing forwards.

You can choose death by firing squad in the US. But they still strap you to a chair and hood you so you can't see the signal to fire and then flinch, maybe causing a bullet to miss and not destroy the heart, prolonging death.

Ronnie Lee Gardner was the last one to choose this method in 2010. The shooters were all volunteers and they gave a commemerative coin to everyone involved in it.
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24 Mar 2012
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7 Jul 2003
oh I do like to be beside the seaside
I remember watching a Michael Portillo program on capital punishment, he concluded that asphyxiation using nitrogen gas was the best way, the person doesn't seem to realise what's happening, they fall unconscious and then die.

He proposed this to some US authorities and they didn't like it because the person might not suffer!
8 Jan 2009
I quite like the idea of gladiatorial games again for some of these criminals.


Actually a choice, should be given.

Death via firing squad.
Incarceration in a super-max style prison until they hit retirement then general population



Personally am fond of the Running Man or Cyber City Odeo 808 ways of dealing with criminals. For the hardcore types, put explosive collars around their necks and make them work doing hard labor.

For example, just think how much better the road or railway system would be if these guys was working.

If they got out of hand or tried to escape then the collars go boom.

Is there any reason why they no longer use firing squads? A bullet to the head should always kill instantly, it makes no sense when you can get potential dosages wrong, causing the prisoner to die in extreme pain.

A shot in the head doesn't always mean death. There are some really nasty cases of people still living and surviving after shooting themselves in the head with pistols and shotguns.
31 Jul 2010
I love a good death penalty me.

The government can then use the tax pennies for something more useful than feeding, housing and caring for pond life.

They could even do a pay per view evening with some live entertainment on, guest panel etc... and then have a celebrity executioner who pushes the button.

Alternatively do a gladiator style event where they're all in a ring fighting to the death. The winner carries on until the next time. 10 wins equals removal of the death penalty and life imprisonment.
30 Jun 2007
If you are going to have the death penalty then it needs to be carried out relatively humanely, sadly none of the historical methods always offer that. (Advance apologies for grisly nature of post):
Electric chair - can still be botched (dry sponge in Green Mile comes to mind albeit probably exagerrated) and probably not very pleasant for the guards or witnesses to watch/smell.
Gas chamber - person is effectively forced to kill themselves by inhaling the vapour and not a quick death reading historical accounts.
Shooting - whether firing squad or back of the neck. Imprecise and potentially messy. Chinese have purportedly switched to lethal injection as alternative to AK47 bullet to the neck.
Guillotine - *probably* quick and painless at least using the German fallbeil which almost resembled a surgical instrument, but messy aftermath.
Hanging - judicial hanging as practiced in the UK towards the latter period of capital punishment is probably the best alternative. However it needs precision calculated drop and proper noose, not the traditional US "cowboy coil" and average drop. There is also still a possibility of botching it with a clumsy executioner thus that the victim strangles or ends up decapitated.

Which does tend to leave lethal injection as the only clinically "clean" method. Or I guess the only other option is to devise some means of getting the prisoner to imbibe the fatal cocktail used in that Swiss euthanasia clinic.

A very emotive subject and one on which it is difficult to hold a precise view, particularly when faced with a heinious crime. Personally I think the most sickening part of the US system is that the condemned are kept waiting on death row far longer than the "life" tariff for similar crimes would be in many countries.

the problem isnt the injecting we can give them something that will kill them quickly painlessly and 99.9999% perfect every time.

problem is we cant because it's seen as morally wrong to send them out o na high so we cant use the humane methods like we do with animals.
13 May 2003
Who gives a ****? Should have injected him with Harpic Power Plus with a syringe driver over the course of a week

I agree with this. Too much discussion over what's nice for the poor murderer. I understand the ethical arguments of execution and suffering for the person being executed, but I reject them in favour of the 'tough, you shouldn't have done it' argument.
30 Jun 2007
I agree with this. Too much discussion over what's nice for the poor murderer. I understand the ethical arguments of execution and suffering for the person being executed, but I reject them in favour of the 'tough, you shouldn't have done it' argument.

well how do you feel about the reason why we use these methods.

would you be against just a massive sedative overdose as it's "too good for them" ?
7 Jan 2009
I'm not against execution,in fact i think it should come to the UK..rather than killers living out their life at taxpayers expense in prisons that are already way over crowded.

What ever happened to the good old shooting squads..never have any issues like botched executions shot to the head,another to the heart to make sure...problem solved,
4 Jan 2013
I'm not against execution,in fact i think it should come to the UK..rather than killers living out their life at taxpayers expense in prisons that are already way over crowded.

What ever happened to the good old shooting squads..never have any issues like botched executions shot to the head,another to the heart to make sure...problem solved,

Remember back to that feeling you got in school when you were accused of something you didn't do?

Now think of that with the added bonus of getting killed whilst some knob wanders around alive.

Mistakes happen and will always happen. You can recompense (up to a point) prison, but you can't give life back.

Oh and it's not a particularly civilised or moral thing for a country to be sanctioning killing.
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