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Both RX Vega 64 & 56 Beat GTX 1080 Ti in Forza 7 DX12 benchmarks

I do feel for you Shankly. Like you say, that is a lot of questions that you can not answer alone. You are indeed only one man and that is a task that requires dedication. In other news, I liked the fact that Vega was awesome from day 1 and great to see it. I remember too many times that AMD have been so slow with performance and needed drivers that came out a few months later.

No need to feel for me mate, I have a wife for that :p
It's one area that used to disappoint me about Amd, after say since the release of crimson software Amd have been excellent getting day one drivers out, even beating nvidia at times!

If nvidia need more time on upcoming Dx12 games to get better performance, you after also ask the question what happens with older GPU series does nvidia keep optimisation for them also. "nvidia are known to drop support for older cards" least that's the story anyway.
I.e older GPUs fade away when compared to other amd GPUs from that time frame.
As opposed to someone that called AMD supporters "tin hat" for doing the same? The pot called matey. He says you are black.
Of course tin hat lol. I said early on that NVidia needed a new driver for it but that got ignored in favour of far out speculations. Thread is also based on a demo, which is fine and I personally love seeing AMD doing well in games and want to see more of it. I tend to want AMD and NVidia users to have great performance in all games and want to see both having trouble free gaming. This game looks fantastic, so hopefully all PC users get a decent game experience.

@jigger Name calling? I haven't seen anyone callin g people names but would report it if I did.
Very misleading thread title.

OP Rollac should change title like "GTX 1080 Ti Beat Both RX Vega 64 & 56 in Forza 7 DX12 benchmarks" that will be more appropriate title.

Computerbase updated Forza 7 DX12 benchmarks tested new GeForce 387.92 driver reran benchmarks on GTX 1080 and 1060. More tests on all Nvidia cards will follow.





Or how about the title Who's laughing now Mr Game-Ready Drivers indeed....

I admit when I first saw the results and the claim about Vega's secret sauce I was excited for all of 10 minutes at which point I noticed the performance boost was on all the tested AMD cards not just Vega. At that point I reigned my excitement in. That said it was good to see AMD releasing the drivers before Nvidia for a change.
What we should all be taking from this is Vega has potential. At Launch it was all doom and gloom for good reasons. The more games that support it's features will show it to be better than initial impressions. Nobody is getting rid of that power usage though :D:D:D:D:D
Maybe the thread should be closed as the original story is no longer valid or of interest.

All the thread is going to become is another vendor bashing mess.

It's still valid as Vega is still competing with the 1080ti and beating it. Those that got a Vega 64 for £450 will still feel optimistic about what's possible. Who's to say AMD don't have more in the tank for this game as well. What i find weird is Vega gets slower at 4k. Just shows that your old argument about HBM was flawed as Vega now does better at 1080/1440 while using HBM with lower clock speeds.
It's still valid as Vega is still competing with the 1080ti and beating it.

Where? Can you show me links using the latest drivers only.

As it stands the regular 1080 beats the Vega64 at 4K., a 1080ti would thrash it. 1060 beats the RX580, so the performance looks like it is basically exactly what we expect form all the other 100 odd games that Vega has been benchmarked on
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Where? Can you show me links using the latest drivers only.

As it stands the regular 1080 beats the Vega64 at 4K., a 1080ti would thrash it

So you just disregard the lower resolutions now. Remember when AMD cards showed up well at 4k when the Cpu bottleneck was a problem at lower resolution. It seems in this case we should only be looking at 4k :D:D:D. Like i say though whose to say AMD won't bring out a driver for more performance.
I thought the only results that had been re-tested were the 1060 and 1080? The 1080ti hasn't been re-tested, so in all likelihood they will see large gains also.

Seems weird they would not do so. Could be that things still look bad as it's still bottlenecked. Still i want to see more results and actual game play as the nvidia cards were supposedly not great for play ability. Really surprised the bigger sites ain't jumping on this to get hits.
So you just disregard the lower resolutions now.
No, I used 4K because that is the resolution that is least CPU bound is the best indicator of GPU performance. Moreover, why would buy a 1080Ti or Vega64 to game at 1080P? Anyway, at 1080P, the 1080 is slightly slwoer than the64. we would need to wait an get new benchmarks for the 1080ti, unless you have evidence the TI is slower at that resolution with new drivers. Got anything to back up your claim?

Remember when AMD cards showed up well at 4k when the Cpu bottleneck was a problem at lower resolution. It seems in this case we should only be looking at 4k :D:D:D. Like i say though whose to say AMD won't bring out a driver for more performance.
No idea what you are going on about. We all know that AMD cards recently have done well at 4K, this was because AMD cards had a lot of compute capacity for sharers that become more prominent at higher resolutions, but the GCN architecture has bottlenecks that limited performance at lower resolutions relative to Nvidia GPUs. You are trying to create a false equivalency here. Nvidia PGus did not do well in Forza 7 because there was a severe CPU bottleneck, shown by the fact Nvidia's GPUS were often at a paltry 60-70% GPU utilization. The latest driver goes some way to amend that but there are liekly still limitations.

I epxect AMD will bring new drivers. I also expect Nvidia will find a lot more performance given that they have gained 20-25% in a few days since the launch of the game, in another month there could be some substantial gains.
No, I used 4K because that is the resolution that is least CPU bound is the best indicator of GPU performance. Moreover, why would buy a 1080Ti or Vega64 to game at 1080P? Anyway, at 1080P, the 1080 is slightly slwoer than the64. we would need to wait an get new benchmarks for the 1080ti, unless you have evidence the TI is slower at that resolution with new drivers. Got anything to back up your claim?

No idea what you are going on about. We all know that AMD cards recently have done well at 4K, this was because AMD cards had a lot of compute capacity for sharers that become more prominent at higher resolutions, but the GCN architecture has bottlenecks that limited performance at lower resolutions relative to Nvidia GPUs. You are trying to create a false equivalency here. Nvidia PGus did not do well in Forza 7 because there was a severe CPU bottleneck, shown by the fact Nvidia's GPUS were often at a paltry 60-70% GPU utilization. The latest driver goes some way to amend that but there are liekly still limitations.

I epxect AMD will bring new drivers. I also expect Nvidia will find a lot more performance given that they have gained 20-25% in a few days since the launch of the game, in another month there could be some substantial gains.

Why did they not retest the 1080ti tbh. Well cards like the fury X were a good match to the 980ti yet was considered slow as it couldn't compete at 1080p. At 4k it's slightly faster than a 980ti. So now we only have to look at 4k as nvidia get a win there :D:D:D.

Overall the Vega is still faster and for some reason they never re-tested the 1080ti.

What i will say is more testing is needed to make better assumptions of what's going on in this game. It's new and things are not adding up so i will be holding my judgement until i see a bit more. AMD look like they have finally got somewhere with Vega that has fixed there problems at 1080p especially in more recent titles. Nvidia overall still have the faster tech though and will have for a while.
Why did they not retest the 1080ti tbh.
Go ask them if you you care so mcuh. I beleive the German says they ran out of time for the Ti and will have th results in a day or 2

Well cards like the fury X were a good match to the 980ti yet was considered slow as it couldn't compete at 1080p. At 4k it's slightly faster than a 980ti. So now we only have to look at 4k as nvidia get a win there :D:D:D.
It wasn't considered slow due to the 1080p results, it was never even considered that slow. The FuryX was slower at 4K on release, and only got slower at lower resolutions. It was more expensive than the 980ti, came out later, had terrible stock rpoblems, and suffered the AIO pump whine. that is why the FuryX was considered a failure, not performance.

Overall the Vega is still faster and for some reason they never re-tested the 1080ti.
Unless you have eyesight problems then the Vega64 is not faster. People having full time jobs and often families is a big reason why someone who test PGUS in their free time might not be testing a 1080ti the exact second anew driver is released/

What i will say is more testing is needed to make better assumptions of what's going on in this game.

It's new and things are not adding up so i will be holding my judgement until i see a bit more. AMD look like they have finally got somewhere with Vega that has fixed there problems at 1080p especially in more recent titles. Nvidia overall still have the faster tech though and will have for a while.

I think you will be disapointed if you truly believe that something interesting happened to make the Vega64 more competitive in this 1 game. There are Total War 2 benchmarks out, Vega64 running DX12 within a DICE engine gets beaten by a 1070
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