Bought an old BMW M3, filled with regret...

The above took about 30mins, the process was sped up as I trailed the hairdryer out between the 3 colourant layers. The long process will be the super seal layer, in a couple more hours once the paint is fully dry I'll spray the seal on and leave overnight.
Looks great, really do miss having red seats now :(

Need to get around to making my driver seat less shiny at some point.
I think the best decision I've made so far has been choosing a car with red leather if anything :p

Even without heated seats it provides the psychological illusion of being warm on a cold day. It also looks quite alright I guess!
I like the colour red so always prefer it on most things, but I think trying to find a z4m in not black or silver with red leather may of taken till the end of time :( I am just happy I managed to get red somewhere in the end.

Still think a black interior is so much duller even more so when the trim is all black as well.

Also you will be happy to know my boss has been waiting for a new window screen for his 911 since April after Auto glass cracked his replacement. Think they are meant to be coming this week now...
I've had all black in the old car so I absolutely didn't want to go the same combo again!

If I could change one thing though it would probably be have laguna seca blue outside. Such a lush colour!

But then a red cabin might clash with it...

That 911 could be in for a world of pain!
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Yeh I love some of the blues bmw have but as you said red wouldn't really work with it and they all seem to be cream :( I didn't want silver again and I don't like black so that rules out 99.999999% of the cars. Be nice to be able to afford to buy one of the cars I want new so I can spec some decent colours.

Yeh well on top of the delays he's not too happy about it as he had to have a screen last year as well and they told him they cant do 911s at the roadside, instead they have to be done at one of their depots. As they no longer have them I guess they have forgotten that now...

Going to be interesting to see what happen this week if it does at all.
Tell him to send them a Tweet, usually gets things rolling when landline methods take their time!
And here it is after leaving it over night, it's still not 100% dry, but dry enough to get in and out carefully:


I think I opted for the wrong super seal though, I chose Satin and it's ever so slightly shinier than the OEM finish on the surrounding leather, or maybe this will blend to match as it dries to 100% I'm not sure, will observe and if it doesn't then will apply some rubbing alcohol to fine the seal down a bit then apply a feed. Otherwise just buy the seal bottle in matte variety and apply that.

Either way, no real issue now that I know how all this works!
The daylight hitting it makes it look shiner than it is too but yeah, once it's 100% dry it should be more matte still but I have a feeling I should have ordered the matte super seal, not the satin, which is a half way house between matte and gloss!

Will see how it ends up once totally dry.
There is a few choices with the different seals, matt, semi-matt, satin it would be hard to know what the best one would be. It would be good if when you gave them the BMW colour code if they supplied what they think is the appropriate sealant.
I think it's hard to tell, though I don't think BMW state what finish is on it really either. Nappa leather has a soft satin-like sheen to it anyway though but I'd say it's more matte than satin when new :o
That's a good point, I didn't think about the different types of leather like the BMW Dakota? leather seems to be more matt than the Nappa. I think once it had fully cured it will be fine, if I didn't know you had colour the bolster I very much doubt I would have even noticed to be honest. :)
Aye Dakota is a nice leather, I may be wrong but certain colours are only available in certain colours I think?

Weather strip bought and installed, Autoglass have been sent the bill :)
Isnt Dakota the basic grainy leather found on the regular 3xxCI models?

My E46's have all had Dakota leather (or so i thought) and it is a fairly low grade leather.

Yours is Nappa which is the better smooth type of leather.
Wow that's impressive stuff on the bolster there mrk. Think I'll bookmark a link to that repair kit for my own car when I get the time. :)
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