Bought an old BMW M3, filled with regret...

I used a guy in Reading as Royal was away for new years. He did exactly the same job with same materials, and was the same price although he didn't take the old wheel away so I sold the old one for £120 and called it a win :p

I still have my driver side seat bolster to get done at furniture clinic but that's low priority for the time being.

mrk, who did you use? Can you let me know. I'm looking at getting some of my bits retrimmed along with the wheel.
I can't find the same guy's page any more on eBay but personally i'd go with Royal Steering Wheels as they're still doing business.
I am annoyed. This week someone has scuffed my rear bumper while parallel parking and not left a note. I've been dossing around Portsmouth and Fareham only with the car this week so must have been one of those days, and the weather has been poor so only just noticed it today when booking in the wet sand which has been postponed a few times due to the weather forecasts (I want to see it finished in excellent weather like today :p).


Anyway, needless to say the bumper will have to have a smart repair done on this corner, thankfully it's the corner and not a flat panel area so should be easily sorted without costing much.

But still.. :mad: People sicken me.
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So multiple people on this page alone who have had this happen recently, that is doubly sucky :/
Touch wood it's not happened to me, but that absolutely sucks after all that effort. Hopefully as you say it'll be an easy repair but its more money down the drain due to someone else's carelessness and dishonesty.
Damn that's frustrating. I'd be totally paranoid if I owned a car with mint paint. I'm already bad when it comes to choosing a parking space for fear of door dings.
That's awful! Hope it won't cost much to fix.

(I do a full 360 degree check every time I return to my car after parking in public)

Yeah I do that too, but I suspect that I look 100% more stupid because I do it with an 05 plate Corolla coated in road dust. :D
I had the same damage done to mine about 2 weeks ago. Mine is an e46 330ci in sapphire black. Please let us know how much it will set you back fixing that.

To top it off, same week that happened to mine I decided to reverse into a concrete pole, left a nice crack in my bumper :/
Well not got a slot free to book the car in for a few weeks at least at the body shop so it will be a scuffed bumper for a bit...

In the meantime I had some time to kill, and locals to mildly annoy by grabbing a clip of how much the Eventuri mellows out the rasp and introduces induction noise.

Best of both I reckon.

It's no beast like some here, but certainly puts a smile on the face ;D
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