Boy removed from school in transgender rights row

Have you got a link to back that up? Seems an interesting claim.

It's not guaranteed. It does depend entirely on how strong you are mentally.

Imagine being teased at school about your appearance for example, and you make it to 25, then someone teases your appearance. The person will be like "yeah tell me something I don't know" he will be completely unphased, totally not bothered.

Now imagine an old bully who is now 25, and someone calls him ugly or something, he will probably lose it.
It's not guaranteed. It does depend entirely on how strong you are mentally.

Imagine being teased at school about your appearance for example, and you make it to 25, then someone teases your appearance. The person will be like "yeah tell me something I don't know" he will be completely unphased, totally not bothered.

Now imagine an old bully who is now 25, and someone calls him ugly or something, he will probably lose it.
Is that your way of admitting that this is speculation on your part?
Is that your way of admitting that this is speculation on your part?

No, it's my way of saying there's nothing wrong with bullying.

Stop trying to change the subject, As has been explained to you trans suicidality is not increasing because of bullying. Because bullying is decreasing yet trans suicidality is increasing.

Bullying is a part of most children's lives. It's been like that forever, yet the suicide epidemic has never been worse, and is still getting worse.

You cant just blame bullying for a sudden suicide epidemic and completely forget that children are only VERY recently being nurtured into total and irreversible mind-body dissonance.
I guess we can all look forward to a society where calling a biological female 'a girl' when they want to identify as a man carries a hefty prison sentence.
Give me strength. Transgender is not the same as transvestite.

Actually, it has become so. Around 80% of MtF transexuals not only have not transitioned, but do not intend to. The current political movement by trans activists is to separate sexual identity from sexual characteristics entirely. Yes, people have unironically declared that they have a "girl's penis." What is more, many of these trans activists are HIGHLY aggressive to those they term "TERFS" which theoretically stands for Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists" but essentially is used for any woman who refuses to treat a man as a women (including not wanting such men in our bathrooms, changing rooms or representing us as women's counsellors like the 19-year old boy who got a Labour woman's counsellor kicked out and replaced by himself because he felt there needed to be more representation for "trans women"). I know some Lesbian women who have been harassed by men who call them bigots for not wanting to sleep with them on the basis of their genitalia.

TLDR; your terms are out of date. Most MtF "transexuals" are in fact transvestites only and the term has deliberately been confused in accord with the desired outcome that sexual characteristics should no longer be allowed to determine if one is a man or a woman.

How about a woman who works while a man stays at home and cares for the children? Those are the stereotypes that I’m more concerned with, but it goes far beyond that into every expectation of how men and women are “supposed” to behave and respond to things. That’s what people resent and reject.

I disagree. I am very against one's sex determining what one can and cannot do in society as is pretty much everyone I associate with. Yet myself and many others who are against these things are also concerned about trans-activism and it's political influence. What I do come across is people who haven't had personal experience of trans-activism (and I'm going to class you in with this group, Vonhelmet unless you claim otherwise) and naively assume it's distinct from transvestism and that it's defensive rather than aggressive.

Here's a small sampling of the abuse women who don't accept cross-dressing men as women get, routinely.

(n.b. contents of the page is an ongoing catalogue of the abuse. Can't promise adult language wont appear on there. If it needs to be remove, it's easily found on a search yourself using the prhase "Terf is a slur". Hopefully it can stay though as it's a serious matter.)

Please note two things: One, the majority of these are from men who have no intention of transitioning but have decided they are women and are directing their considerable aggression against women who don't accept them. Two, recurring instances of MtF trans declaring that their penis is a "girl dick", "my penis doesn't undo the fact that I'm a woman" and "impregnating someone doesn't make you less of a woman."

I can tell you that I feel a great deal less safe going into a bathroom or a changing room and seeing someone who is (a) a guy, (b) straight, (c) thinks they're a woman. Which is now happening.
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Actually, it has become so. Around 80% of MtF transexuals not only have not transitioned, but do not intend to. The current political movement by trans activists is to separate sexual identity from sexual characteristics entirely. Yes, people have unironically declared that they have a "girl's penis." What is more, many of these trans activists are HIGHLY aggressive to those they term "TERFS" which theoretically stands for Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists" but essentially is used for any woman who refuses to treat a man as a women (including not wanting such men in our bathrooms, changing rooms or representing us as women's counsellors like the 19-year old boy who got a Labour woman's counsellor kicked out and replaced by himself because he felt there needed to be more representation for "trans women"). I know some Lesbian women who have been harassed by men who call them bigots for not wanting to sleep with them on the basis of their genitalia.

TL:DR; your terms are out of date. Most MtF "transexuals" are in fact transvestites only and the term has deliberately been confused in accord with the desired outcome that sexual characteristics should no longer be allowed to determine if one is a man or a woman.

You've written a whole load of stuff without ever once tackling the issue of whether wearing clothes of the opposite gender is peculiar to transgender individuals. Congratulations.
No, it's my way of saying there's nothing wrong with bullying.

Is that what you really think?

Considering the blight it can be on many young people's lives, the long term effects it can have on confidence etc I strongly disagree with you.

"Sticks and stones" and "What doesnt kill you makes you stronger" are trite phrases bandied about by either those that want to continue to bully others or are too coward to deal with the problem.

I actually think it can go both ways too.
If it is resolved in a powerful way with a outburst of physical violence, very animalistic it can be very liberating and confidence boosting.

If you are mentally chipped away, yes you are much more likely to end up a mess in adult hood.

I've picked on a kid at school for a while, got in trouble for it, when challenged by a head of year and told carry on and you will be severely punished etc I realized my error and apologized. But it was a long 2 months for the kid, I bet. Being challenged stopped me immediately. He could have punched me that would have worked too.

Then later on few years I got "bullied" more snubbed from a group but it was life changing at the time. Worked out really well for me as we started 6th form college and I basically met a whole new group and had a whale of a time.
I actually look back and wonder how crap my life could have been if I stayed in my old group.

Anyway just had to get that off my chest.
Sorry steven if you read ocuk and come from hornchurch.
Is that what you really think?

Considering the blight it can be on many young people's lives, the long term effects it can have on confidence etc I strongly disagree with you.

"Sticks and stones" and "What doesnt kill you makes you stronger" are trite phrases bandied about by either those that want to continue to bully others or are too coward to deal with the problem.

So why are more people who got bullied as kids, chilled, content and successful people once grown up? Unless you have OTHER underlying mental issues, you should totally be able to understand why you got bullied and to move on.

What on earth has cowardice and "dealing with the problem" got to do with anything once your're a 25 year old success and the bully is a shoplifter???

Or are you saying 13 year old kids are cowards for not fist-fighting their bullies (who are likely physically stronger) and the root cause of why they're being targeted in the first place lol. Most bullies pick on physically WEAKER people.
Telling children as young as 5 that its OK to be a male-girl and fem-boy is the cause of these suicide attempts. Not because bullying ffs, it says bullying has DECREASED.

But what has increased?? All these child transex clinics who are encouraging young boys that its ok to want to be a girl thereby hooking these kids into a lifetime of mental illness.
I think this is the point.

The end-game for transgender people tends to be at least thinking about a physical transition.

We don't define boys who wear pink as transgender, nor girls who play football.

I think most of us understand transgender as a boy who says "I am not a boy" and a girl who says "I am not a girl". Fem-boys aren't trans, neither are tom-boys.

And for many of these trans people the logical conclusion is self-mutilation. A crude approximation of the genitals of their biological opposite. Which to me is quite tragic. No wonder a significant amount regret the transition bitterly afterwards. Too late then.
Actually, it has become so. Around 80% of MtF transexuals not only have not transitioned, but do not intend to. The current political movement by trans activists is to separate sexual identity from sexual characteristics entirely. Yes, people have unironically declared that they have a "girl's penis." What is more, many of these trans activists are HIGHLY aggressive to those they term "TERFS" which theoretically stands for Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists" but essentially is used for any woman who refuses to treat a man as a women (including not wanting such men in our bathrooms, changing rooms or representing us as women's counsellors like the 19-year old boy who got a Labour woman's counsellor kicked out and replaced by himself because he felt there needed to be more representation for "trans women"). I know some Lesbian women who have been harassed by men who call them bigots for not wanting to sleep with them on the basis of their genitalia.

TLDR; your terms are out of date. Most MtF "transexuals" are in fact transvestites only and the term has deliberately been confused in accord with the desired outcome that sexual characteristics should no longer be allowed to determine if one is a man or a woman.

I disagree. I am very against one's sex determining what one can and cannot do in society as is pretty much everyone I associate with. Yet myself and many others who are against these things are also concerned about trans-activism and it's political influence. What I do come across is people who haven't had personal experience of trans-activism (and I'm going to class you in with this group, Vonhelmet unless you claim otherwise) and naively assume it's distinct from transvestism and that it's defensive rather than aggressive.

Here's a small sampling of the abuse women who don't accept cross-dressing men as women get, routinely.

(n.b. contents of the page is an ongoing catalogue of the abuse. Can't promise adult language wont appear on there. If it needs to be remove, it's easily found on a search yourself using the prhase "Terf is a slur". Hopefully it can stay though as it's a serious matter.)

Please note two things: One, the majority of these are from men who have no intention of transitioning but have decided they are women and are directing their considerable aggression against women who don't accept them. Two, recurring instances of MtF trans declaring that their penis is a "girl dick", "my penis doesn't undo the fact that I'm a woman" and "impregnating someone doesn't make you less of a woman."

I can tell you that I feel a great deal less safe going into a bathroom or a changing room and seeing someone who is (a) a guy, (b) straight, (c) thinks they're a woman. Which is now happening.
Ye gads. That's an eye-opener for sure. Great post.
Public Bathrooms - Rules are there for the comfort of the general public, rather than safety and security. Use the one that causes the least commotion. I don't think anyone believes a 'ladies' or a 'mens' sign on the door is the only thing stopping a dude that looks like a lady from assaulting women in the womens bathroom.
In almost all cases, I am in favour of no gender-restrictions or discrimination. As are almost any reasonable people. I am a strong believer in judging people on merit. However, it's wilful blindness to say there aren't some roles where it should be a criteria. For example, if you are a woman's representative, a rape counsellor (for female victims) or similar, it is not unreasonable to favour a woman for the role. With trans-activism, we are seeing men forcing their way into these areas against the desires of many women. Example: Lily Madigan, Labour's recent appointment as Women's Officer.

Lily is a male, at the age of around eighteen, iirc, decided he was a woman. Not only decided he was a woman, but insisted that trans-women ARE women and that "they are vastly more under-represented than most", claiming greater victimhood in the usual SJW hierarchy of oppression game of Top Trumps because male women are even more oppressed than regular women. He stirred up a minor ****-storm about an in-place women's officer accusing her of being transphobic until she was made to resign. He says in interview that he wanted to become a women's officer because he disagrees with the views of many female women's officers and he also believes in silencing debate that he regards as transphobic. (Read: objections from women to him representing them).





For the guys reading this, consider a scenario where you had an organization dealing with issues particular to men and had an angry Feminist appointed as your representative and any objections that she didn't actually represent men fairly shut down because you were "misogynistic".

That's my problem with transactivists. People can do what they like for themself and they should not be bullied for it, but the transactivist movement is largely men, largely without surgery and who largely still desire to have sex with women, trying to force their acceptance on women.
I actually think it can go both ways too.
If it is resolved in a powerful way with a outburst of physical violence, very animalistic it can be very liberating and confidence boosting.
I had this both ways as a kid.
I was bullied my whole school life by a couple of massive kids, I couldn't physically do anything about it. They even followed me to another school when I moved. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Every day was a "just get through the day" day, "just finish school and do well and none of this will matter" sort of thing. Isn't really true though, it does affect you for life in all sorts of ways.
But one time a kid my size tried it, gave him a mild beating to teach him a lesson. Got a bit of stick off people for responding with violence, but I'm still proud of sticking up for myself to this day.
You've written a whole load of stuff without ever once tackling the issue of whether wearing clothes of the opposite gender is peculiar to transgender individuals. Congratulations.

You responded to someone implying that transgender men were just men in dresses by saying transvestites weren't the same as transsexuals. But about 80% of MtF Transexuals are in fact, merely transvestites. My post highlighted that. The majority of MtF transexuals have no intention of actually altering their primary sexual characteristics. Sometimes they will get surgery for breasts, though.
I think this is the point.

The end-game for transgender people tends to be at least thinking about a physical transition.

We don't define boys who wear pink as transgender, nor girls who play football.

I think most of us understand transgender as a boy who says "I am not a boy" and a girl who says "I am not a girl". Fem-boys aren't trans, neither are tom-boys.

And for many of these trans people the logical conclusion is self-mutilation. A crude approximation of the genitals of their biological opposite. Which to me is quite tragic. No wonder a significant amount regret the transition bitterly afterwards. Too late then.

That was, at one time, my view. And is the view of most people who don't have much personal experience with transactivism. But I see you've read my other post now so you may be going through a similar shock that I did. Only around 20% of transgender men actually have / intend to have surgery.
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With trans-activism, we are seeing men forcing their way into these areas against the desires of many women. Example: Lily Madigan, Labour's recent appointment as Women's Officer.

Lily Madigan didn’t force her way into anywhere. She was elected - by women - to a voluntary position.

The bullying she’s received since has been utterly disgraceful. She’s 19 years old and has been the victim of hate campaigns in The Times and Telegraph.
It really has gone full ****** when a 19 year old boy is trying to represent women. FFS Labour!

Also I'm not surprised at the stats above re: 80% not transitioning, while perhaps not exactly family friendly to go into details the result of the current surgical techniques is a bit dubious - it is basically an open wound for several months and even when healed up needs to be kept dilated else the body will basically still treat it as a wound. Given all the stories of people with massive regrets after deciding to undergo the procedure it isn't surprising that many don't want to attempt it.
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So why are more people who got bullied as kids, chilled, content and successful people once grown up? Unless you have OTHER underlying mental issues, you should totally be able to understand why you got bullied and to move on.

Have you got any evidence to back that up?

What on earth has cowardice and "dealing with the problem" got to do with anything once your're a 25 year old success and the bully is a shoplifter???

Or are you saying 13 year old kids are cowards for not fist-fighting their bullies (who are likely physically stronger) and the root cause of why they're being targeted in the first place lol. Most bullies pick on physically WEAKER people.

No, because I don’t blame the victims for being bullied. I would blame the bullies and those adults involved in their care for not doing anything about it.
Have you got any evidence to back that up?
What? I'm not the one saying bullying is the cause of all future mental illness.

The evidence is people who have been bullied at school, and then grow up to be perfectly fine adults - there are many examples of this, some of whom I know personally from school. So you are the one who needs to provide evidence to the contrary because not everyone who gets bullied is suddenly doomed to end up a mental person.

No, because I don’t blame the victims for being bullied.

Erm you did just that. in post 487.

You said the victim was "too coward to deal with the problem." Post 487 lmao.
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