I love these threads where the Mail reports something that might have a passing resemblance to what happened and then people start calling for the right to kill anyone who steps into their front gardens, or looks at them funny.
I'll agree with some of the more sensible people, and wait for more details before I pass any judgement, however as I think I've said a few times in the past, the police arresting someone gives them a lot of rights, including free legal representation, and for the CPS to charge generally means they think there is something odd, or at the very least the situation is unclear*.
As normal I'll remind those that call the law stupid that the rules on self defence (especially in your own home) allow for reasonable force and you would have to go wildly over the top to go to jail for it.
It is worth noting that in at least once high profile case a plain clothes police officer in the course of his job was killed by someone claiming self defence on their own property, and the killer found not guilty, in another case it was a guy who grabbed a harpoon gun, and in many, many other cases it's been things like knives grabbed during a struggle, either off the intruder or from the kitchen.
*And one of the jobs for the courts in many countries is to decide what happened when the situation is unclear.
I'll agree with some of the more sensible people, and wait for more details before I pass any judgement, however as I think I've said a few times in the past, the police arresting someone gives them a lot of rights, including free legal representation, and for the CPS to charge generally means they think there is something odd, or at the very least the situation is unclear*.
As normal I'll remind those that call the law stupid that the rules on self defence (especially in your own home) allow for reasonable force and you would have to go wildly over the top to go to jail for it.
It is worth noting that in at least once high profile case a plain clothes police officer in the course of his job was killed by someone claiming self defence on their own property, and the killer found not guilty, in another case it was a guy who grabbed a harpoon gun, and in many, many other cases it's been things like knives grabbed during a struggle, either off the intruder or from the kitchen.
*And one of the jobs for the courts in many countries is to decide what happened when the situation is unclear.