Boycotting nestle

Part of the probelm in Africa is they honestly believe that having sex with virgins and the younger the better will prevent or cure AIDS thus accelerating the problem.

:confused: Not from the part of Africa where i come from.
penski said:
Your second paragraph opened with "I doubt it", turning your question into a rhetorical one and a projection of a statement which made an assupmtion.

That was a statement, based on statistical probability. If it came across as a flippant assumption then the tone of the thread is affecting me.

penski said:
Based on personal experience. Nearly everyone I meet is boycotting this, that or the other for whatever reason but people who actually act out, protest or try to enact change? one in a hundred if not rarer.

Surely boycotting, by any definition is a form of protest trying to enact change?

If I spent all my time campaigning against things I thought were wrong I'd not be able to feed and house my family. So instead I do a little to help, when I remember.

It's better then nothing and it's certainly better then sitting on my arse caling all and sundry onanists and having a 'too cool for school' attitude. You ain't that great.
Are you related to David Brent by any chance?
i'll take that in the good nature i hope it was intended ;) and its friday evening, sometimes there are far too many assumptions flying around threads just thought it would state my intentions.
Surely boycotting, by any definition is a form of protest trying to enact change?

If I spent all my time campaigning against things I thought were wrong I'd not be able to feed and house my family. So instead I do a little to help, when I remember.

It's better then nothing and it's certainly better then sitting on my arse caling all and sundry onanists and having a 'too cool for school' attitude. You ain't that great.

quoted for truth
Mr Mag00 said:
last time i looked its a large country.

Please cut the jibby jabba. You statement imo impies that the whole of africa is in to that hence why i used the smiley :confused: then made my statement. And for the record, africa is a continent and not in east angular :)
Mr Mag00 said:
true it is a continent, i aoplogise for making a mistake, god forbid you make a mistake here :(

lol, i do all the time but since am always on the receiving end, i thought it would be nice to give one too :D .....Ok back on track. ;)
Mr Mag00 said:
perhaps you should go and meet some people who are actually doing something about it. [/quote

I know plenty of them, thanks.

and there is nobody more pretentious than those who post with large words attempting to go over the heads of other posters.

What? Do you want me to apologise for having a vocabulary that extends beyond 'itz well cool innit'?

[DOD]Asprilla said:
Surely boycotting, by any definition is a form of protest trying to enact change?
It is passive. I referred to an active form of protest. You not buying a Kit Kat once a week does nothing to Nestlé...But you actively protesting or spending your time and energy to inform others of what you see as poor business practices does.

If I spent all my time campaigning against things I thought were wrong I'd not be able to feed and house my family. So instead I do a little to help, when I remember.

It's better then nothing and it's certainly better then sitting on my arse caling all and sundry onanists and having a 'too cool for school' attitude. You ain't that great.

I'm fantastic, I'll have you know.

I'm currently in the mood to boycott a website due to not receiving an item after two weeks of trying to get in touch and lies telling me the item would be sent out straight away, which spoils the fact that I was initially very happy regarding the service of the other items which were delivered. Wasn't sure where to vent my frustrations so thought of here. :(
kitten_caboodle said:
Yeah lets completely ignore:

* sharing needles and/or syringes (primarily for drug injection) with someone who is infected,
* through transfusions of infected blood or blood clotting factors.
* Babies born to HIV-infected women may become infected before or during birth or through breast-feeding after birth.
* health workers who have been infected with HIV after being stuck with needles containing HIV-infected blood or,
* health workers after infected blood gets into a worker’s open cut or a mucous membrane (for example, the eyes or inside of the nose)
* rape victims

The primary way Aids is spread is through unprotected sex that is how it spread so quickly throughout the world and the main cause of how it is still spreading.

Transmission Via the ways you have mentioned above are in the minority NOT the majority (Oh and if you have Hiv/Aids you should not be having kids in the first place as you are effectively gambling with their lives tbh)
if you're going to avoid nestle, go the whole hog and ditch all of your procter and gamble products too
i have been for the last 7 or so years, and i can't say i feel like i'm missing out on anything at all
penski said:
I refuse to indulge in the rhetoric spouted by pretentious, hypocritical little oiks who whinge about Nike, Nestle, P&G et cetera whilst simultaneously reaping the benefits of their commercial indulgences, sipping their coffee, reading the Guardian, professing that they care so much about so many causes (after all, they filled out that anti-Starbucks petition online didn't they?) and heaving neither the wherewithall nor the testicular fortitude to actually do something for the causes they purport to support.

Bunch of ****ing scum.


For once I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly with you.

mrdbristol said:

Telescopi said:
Graham Norton must be taken off our airwaves, think of the children!

I loved out loud at both of those, cheers :p

Mr Mag00 said:
Well i'm glad i dont fall into the catergories and labeling you so broad brush strokingly gather them all in to in your postings. and there is nobody more pretentious than those who post with large words attempting to go over the heads of other posters.

Na, I think you'll find he's using "large words" as you call them (trust me, they really aren't) so that he can express his opinion as succinctly as possible.
jimmyjimmyo said:

i didn't say any of those were the primary way that AIDS/HIV was spread. It is however, dangerous to lump everyone who has either of those conditions in a bag with 'bed hopping idiots' on the label. That's one of the attitudes that develops stigmas.
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