I think you'll find the majority of people moaning about MOH are talking about the single player..... And RIGHTLY so! It sucks big massive balls. It's short. The AI sucks. The graphics are shabby. You can see the enemy spawn in front of you in mid air. The list goes on.

Frankly I also find the multiplayer fairly boring. But then that's because I'm bored of all the current gen of "modern warfare" shooters. They all seem pretty samey to me. That's why I'm playing TF2.

Moaning about people moaning is only adding to the problem. Let them get on with it.
one of the worst fps of all time.

why are pc online fps getting worse and worse?

we had codename eagle then , battlefield 1942 , bf vietnam & bf2 a nice steady progression one title improving upon the last

we had UT/quake , counter strike , team fortress etc then for some reason all the derp derp console FPS took over :S and we have started going backwords..

been playing the single Player, Great game so far.
great game until you realise its over before its even begun expect the last 6hours of the story to be available as 2 seperate DLC sometime within the next month.

a 3 hour single player game? lol WUT
I'm so sick and tired of reading rubbish reviews about Medal of Honor and listening to little cry babies throw their toys out of the pram because they cant learn to aim and fire....I posted this on EA website:

I must say this game is absolutely bloody amazing... i was put off at first but omg.... this is fantastic, you've taken away all the bullcr@p and gimmicks and given us a true FPS game... our clan are loving it! I'm still a BF lover but this is amazing... i hope you use the bullet reg and recoil in future BF projects....

WOW.... 9.5/10 from me!!!

To all those who are moaning, crying and throwing your toys outa the pram... GET DUCKED!!!!

P.S If your getting owned.... turn your settings to low and enjoy

1) its the WORST game EVER
2) its no BF game, its a poor port and thats about it, its like a UT3 of the UT world
3) why should I have to turn my settings to Low ????????
3.5) this game is for people who cant aim, hence the no recoil
4) If they put this **** up for BF3 I WONT be buying it
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The most redeeming feature of MoH is the BF3 beta. If they produce a similar badly optimised, console port of a snore-fest I can just avoid buying it and not be stuck with a rancid turd of a game like I have been with MoH.
Actually of the recent PC game releases, I would regard WRC FIA as a worse implementation overall than MOH - at least you can progress through MOH albeit yes it's a bit easier than maybe it should be and very linear. Biggest issue I have with it is the dfa.dll problem (as reported in the MOH thread proper) which means disabling AVG every time before playing. WRC is pretty much pants in all respects, at least on the PC.

The main problem seems to be whereas pre mid 2000's we got good PC games which occasionally saw a cut down version on consoles, now the PC game is more often a poorly ported and dumbed down console game. That's probably because the big publishers are in it for the $$$ these days and there's no money in PC only titles (apart from the likes of Railworks). That's why we haven't had a decent combat flight sim with dynamic campaign for nearly 10 years.

Not sure what the answer is really... I gave MOH and WRC very average (2 star) reviews on South American River, but do the devs or publishers even take notice - I doubt it!
1) its the WORST game EVER

Have you played Far Cry 2?

2) its no BF game, its a poor port and thats about it, its like a UT3 of the UT world

Well done for noticing that it is not a BF game. It is not part of the series.

3) why should I have to turn my settings to Low ????????

Why should you? Well I don't and I doubt the majority do either.

3.5) this game is for people who cant aim, hence the no recoil

I take it you are getting pwned a bit too much for your liking. ;)

4) If they put this **** up for BF3 I WONT be buying it

As above, this game has nothing to do with the BF series.
If the game was good people would be saying it's good and buying it.

As an FPS player myself who's played a number of FPS games in my time, CS 1.6, CSS, TF2, BF:BC2, MW, MW2 etc I found the MOH beta really bad and uninstalled it after less than an hour.

Did you ever stop to think maybe it's not taken off because it's just not that good?
I am quite enjoying it to be fair. You may have a point regarding sales if the Steam gameplay stats are to be believed -

Current Players / Peak Today / Game

58,584 72,400 Counter-Strike: Source
57,495 70,662 Counter-Strike
51,203 69,059 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer
39,873 40,930 Sid Meier's Civilization V
27,168 29,317 Team Fortress 2
22,536 22,868 Left 4 Dead 2
16,515 17,327 Football Manager 2010
8,329 8,761 Garry's Mod
7,810 8,790 Empire: Total War
5,849 7,281 Condition Zero
5,339 5,473 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
4,973 7,993 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
4,408 5,259 Day of Defeat: Source
4,173 4,548 Left 4 Dead
4,060 4,998 Napoleon: Total War
3,597 3,840 Medal of Honor MP
to be honest im kinda gutted that this game may fail through people who havent played the actual game just the beta and the pirate single player which is all so common these days.

people go on its not bfbc2 so :confused:
its not cod so :confused:

we arnt going to get old school shooters from ten years ago they done !

move on take off the rose tinted glasses :p

thing is the no recoil whine

look at cod 4 most competitive mod used what does it do ? makes recoil less and similar. same for other competitive mods so it makes it more on tactics and reaction . its just there to speed up the game make it like bang dead.

if you ask most about the game who have commented most are beta payers or havent played more than a few hrs.

how i look at it you aint getting no new games like old with mega recoil and so on so all you have is whats available and for the next year fps wise you have medal of honor and cod black ops . thats it ! bf3 will be a blend of bfbc2 and medal of honor so why people are thinking this will be the saviour of fps i dont know :confused:

for those who have moh give it a chance play more do a few unlocks. forget what some say make your own mind up. its easier to whine than say thats a good game or whatever positive.
I am quite enjoying it to be fair. You may have a point regarding sales if the Steam gameplay stats are to be believed -

Current Players / Peak Today / Game

5,849 7,281 Condition Zero
3,597 3,840 Medal of Honor MP

Condition Zero nearly doubles MoH... On release weekend?

I know that's only Steam sales... still though, the numbers speak measures imo.

If the game was good people would be saying it's good and buying it.

Great point here. Every game has some nay sayers, and every game has it's die hard followers.

If you look at the balance between the two for MoH, it doesn't paint a pretty picture remotely. People winging have nothing to do with it failing. People are going to stop playing it because they dislike it, not because they're sheep.
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But a good beta would have encouraged people to part with 30 quid,

Its basically a demo, and the impression given in that was poor.

As above, numbers speak volumes, EA plasma crashed for 2 weeks due to demand for BC2, they have nowhere near that problem here

And they had to cap new servers until about 2 months after release until their system could handle it
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I'm so sick and tired of reading rubbish reviews about Medal of Honor and listening to little cry babies throw their toys out of the pram because they cant learn to aim and fire....I posted this on EA website:

I must say this game is absolutely bloody amazing... i was put off at first but omg.... this is fantastic, you've taken away all the bullcr@p and gimmicks and given us a true FPS game... our clan are loving it! I'm still a BF lover but this is amazing... i hope you use the bullet reg and recoil in future BF projects....

WOW.... 9.5/10 from me!!!

To all those who are moaning, crying and throwing your toys outa the pram... GET DUCKED!!!!

P.S If your getting owned.... turn your settings to low and enjoy

Frankly thats utter nonsense, my feeling against this game has nothing to do with he aiming aspect, the entire game is rubbish, it was churned out fast to get it on the market before CoD BO, and its rubbish, the game well the parts I played were tosh (and thats being nice)

Rubbish game, single player

Worse on line stupid small maps made for campers.

A game that feels lumpy when you play it.

not worth a fiver
throw their toys out of the pram because they cant learn to aim and fire....I posted this on EA website:

I really dont think thats the problem, its not that people cant do that its that moh mp is just a high speed shooting range involving little else.

i hope you use the bullet reg and recoil in future BF projects....

Really? theres recoil in this game? Ive played a fair bit and theres barely any recoil at all in the mp game.

P.S If your getting owned.... turn your settings to low and enjoy

So you found the need to turn off the effects in order to compete? thats a bit of a shame.

Good luck to you and your clan, Im glad youre all enjoying the game but others are entitled to voice their concerns and criticisms.

Personally I quite like a few of the mp objective maps but on the whole the mp feels lack lustre and outdated. It brings nothing new to the
table. To me it just feels like generic moden shooter 2.0, no personality and I cant see myself getting any long term enjoyment from it.
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