What you need to do goon' is enjoy MoH and keep trading bullets with those of us who think its superb fun. You will always get the same people who feel the need to keep posting BS over and over about a game they don't like, but thats fine. Wait till Black Ops is released and the cycle will start all over again...
Just noticed people saying that they turn down the screen res and effects....

I find mysef dying regularly to people who see through the smoke quicker than i can and also shooting at leaves when they blow past!
I'll keep my settings at max for now, game looks very nice.
Just noticed people saying that they turn down the screen res and effects....

I find mysef dying regularly to people who see through the smoke quicker than i can and also shooting at leaves when they blow past!
I'll keep my settings at max for now, game looks very nice.

Death Jester almost rage quit the game until he turned just the in game settings to low and since then he's loving it. It made next to no difference to the games graphics, try it!!

All the pro teams in the world actually run the games on low settings.
Lol, everyone turned the settings back up to high Goon.

My view on two things.

One this thread, sorry goon but you cant expect people to not have negative reviews, we are all human afterall.

Two, the game, i hated it, then i realised that you cant be a cautios camper, you need to run round like a headless chicken, do this and you will pwn, i was top three 8 games in a row yesturday by running round with the mp7.

Three, realism - if you havent seen recoil use the SVD, theres tons of it. Theres none on the mp7....this is because the mp7 is the mp5 upgrade, Sass are using it now and its designed to be recoil-less and deadly accurate upto 250 meters.
Sorry totally hate this game as well, I was a great lover of COD's and BC2, but this just feels so rushed and incomplete, cba to go into why but its just terrible in nearly every way.
Initially I wasnt too fond of this game, but the single player grew on me, and now Im finding the multiplayer pretty sweet aswell!
Proper PC games = anything before 2005 :)

So true. Nothing great released since BF2. There have been some decent games since then but nothing which grabs my attention for more than a couple weeks, yet I still play BF2 to this day.

Having watched videos on youtube of MOH it looks a tad boring. May pick it up when it is under a tenner.
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Please people.. Play CS:S. Leave these console ported messes alone. Single player is fine. But when it comes to online play.. for one, I'd like to have 100% visability to BEGIN with. Then peoples actions can affect that.. eg. flashbangs, smokes, nades.

One thing I loved? The sounds! Awesome gun sounds, hearing obstructions, etc. Graphics are good. Except you LOSE out by having them turned up. Visability is more difficult. When you turn all that off you lose most of the experience.

Stupid, unbalanced, obscuring, annoying, uncompetitive game.
Is this game like mohaa or more like the crap modern fps games. I much prefer the gameplay from mohaa than any other shooter. I defo hated cod4 and all the others as there trying to be realistic which i hate. I want to play a game not a sim. Which imo mohaa was the king.
The latter.

Personally think it falls inbetween.

Its not all jazzy like a lot of the modern games have been. Very little to get inbetween the gun fire.

Few gimicks, pretty looking and a solid shooter.

Can't win these days it seems, if you get all the gimicks and zomg AC130 its consoley and childish. If its stripped down its boring, dull and no fun.

This plays more like COD4 than any other game since and is pretty well polished and well made. MOH is the COD competitor whether you want it to be or not.

I was skeptical, gave it a bit of time and found my feet. Turns out it is a good game. Nothing groundbreaking but what FPS is going to be groundbreaking any time soon? Nothing hasn't been done before.
^^^^ thats the whole thing and all old school gamers are not happy cause they want a cod 1 game , medal of honour first game or quake style shooters.

this isnt going to happen ever again im sorry to say.

so you have what is here bfbc2 medal of honor or black ops thats how your fps is going to be. play them or dont play them. or just play and have fun and forget about being the super leet mf and just enjoy video games.
I quite like this game. I'm having fun with the MP and although there are some very stupid bugs in SP, once I was able to get past them, it was pretty decent. Nothing ground breaking or amazing but, a good way to waste some time.
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