And you still bought the full game?

Have you actually read my posts in entirety at all?

I pre-ordered the game before the closed beta, and bought it on Steam.

I was disappointed in the closed beta and hoped for improvement before release. The open beta (demo) came out, it still wasn't up to anything I had hoped for.

Rather than go through the effort of trying to get my money back from Steam, I decided to hang on to the game hoping for a half decent single player game (which was someone possible by the fact that it is effectively a separately developed game).

By the time that news of the terrible single player was widespread, the game was out, and any chance of a refund from Steam becomes zero.
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Just remember, all the players on the game you play against have no recoil so just because you are getting pwned has no bearing on the lack of recoil. You are just rubbish. ;)

lol i didn't get pwnd at all but still didn't feel right with no recoil :eek:

i didn't buy it tho so i can't complain :D
This was the first game that the gameplay actully made me cancel my pre-order. I played the beta and it was just 'meh'. Not only was it nothing special but there were many things wrong with it. And to the people who say that we should have given it more of a chance, well there are just some games that don't deserve it. I'm not going to spend hours working through bad gameplay in the hopes there might be a shred of something worthwhile. Looking at how poorly this game is doing I would say the public agrees, this game is bit of a failure. If people are going to lots of forums and complaining and discouraging people from buying then good on them, if people shout and make noise about the rubbish that the game is then perhaps game developers will start to listen.
Well that's where the skill comes into it?
You might come round a corner while they're looking the other way, or you're just up in some corner waiting for them to come through a gap. Maybe you've seen someone whilst they're focusing on trying to kill someone else.

If you see someone, it feels like it takes no effort or skill to kill them. I'm not saying that being in the right place at the right time through tactics doesn't require skill. I'm saying that the act of shooting and killing someone feels lifeless and unrewarding.

lol i didn't get pwnd at all but still didn't feel right with no recoil :eek:

I suppose sort of like this. The game doesn't feel rewarding when you walk round a corner and click on someone first, I want to feel like I've actually worked for every kill in a game when I play it.

This is not the main point I'm trying to get across about the game, there are many reasons I dislike the game, and most importantly "I'm getting owned" is not one of them.
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Rather than go through the effort of trying to get my money back from Steam, I decided to hang on to the game

I still don't get your point.

You were dissapointed with the closed beta and the open beta but did not try and get a refund which is actually quite easy and well within your rights?

The 'effort' of getting a refund would have meant you typing far less words than your gripes about the game.
I still don't get your point.

You were dissapointed with the closed beta and the open beta but did not try and get a refund which is actually quite easy and well within your rights?

The 'effort' of getting a refund would have meant you typing far less words than your gripes about the game.

Is it really that difficult? You could have finished reading the end of the scentance that you quoted at least!

I kept the pre-order for the single player, which is done by an entirely different developer in an entirely different engine. Playing the beta would give no information to the quality of the SP game. I didn't find out how bad the SP was until after release. After release, you can't get a refund on any game from Steam.

What exactly does how I came to own the game have to do with anything?
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I kept the pre-order for the single player, which is done by an entirely different developer in an entirely different engine. Playing the beta would give no information to the quality of the SP game. I didn't find out how bad the SP was until after release. After release, you can't get a refund on any game from Steam.

Well of course you cannot get a refund after release. But that does not take away the fact that if you had concerns you should have cancelled your pre-order, which you were entirely able to do and buy the game again at a later date after reading some reviews?

That is what I would have done anyway.
That is what I would have done anyway.

Good for you! I didn't want to do that, I wanted the game for the single player as well as the multiplayer. After I was disappointed by the multiplayer, was I wrong to still want to play the entirely separate single player? :rolleyes:

Christ. What the hell does this have to do with anything? Are you some kind of shopping Nazi, trying to tell me what I can and can't buy?
Well of course you cannot get a refund after release. But that does not take away the fact that if you had concerns you should have cancelled your pre-order, which you were entirely able to do and buy the game again at a later date after reading some reviews?

That is what I would have done anyway.

But concerns about multi player. Not single player. Which is clearly what he says he was hanging on for.

It's not his fault the SP turned out to be a steaming pile of cow dung. MOH games have often had great single player campaigns in the past.

Just read this again -

No mention of SP there. Failed on the beta argument. Under the impression the only people who like it have a vested interest or are fanboys.

What? There's nothing wrong with that post, just you're understanding of it.

My thought about who has servers still stands imo. Is there anyone without a server that thinks they could keep a long term interest in it?

Or have they all gotten over the honeymoon period quickly, and the rest are only clinging on to justify their server? Everyone in the thread that's enjoying it has a server from what I can tell.

Yah. Got bummed on that slightly. :(
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Well, I pre-ordered the game months ago, then along came the closed beta and the game was utter dogs turd. I contacted steam and got my monies back. Simples.

No demo? Don't buy the game... or get a refund like me :)
to be honest im kinda gutted that this game may fail through people who havent played the actual game just the beta and the pirate single player which is all so common these days.

people go on its not bfbc2 so :confused:
its not cod so :confused:

we arnt going to get old school shooters from ten years ago they done !

move on take off the rose tinted glasses :p

thing is the no recoil whine

look at cod 4 most competitive mod used what does it do ? makes recoil less and similar. same for other competitive mods so it makes it more on tactics and reaction . its just there to speed up the game make it like bang dead.

if you ask most about the game who have commented most are beta payers or havent played more than a few hrs.

how i look at it you aint getting no new games like old with mega recoil and so on so all you have is whats available and for the next year fps wise you have medal of honor and cod black ops . thats it ! bf3 will be a blend of bfbc2 and medal of honor so why people are thinking this will be the saviour of fps i dont know :confused:

for those who have moh give it a chance play more do a few unlocks. forget what some say make your own mind up. its easier to whine than say thats a good game or whatever positive.

*Strokes his copy of ArmA2 and Arrowhead*
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