wasnt the only way to get into closed beta
There were codes, and places like combat testing.
Sorry I disagree.
There was an OPEN beta available to all. The recoil and all the other little things that people are now finding annoying was there for all to see. If people were concerned about not liking the game and parting with 3000 of their hard earned pennies, they should have waited a few days to see the user reviews, and threads such as this one.
The open beta ended 7 days before the game was released. That's not a beta at all, there was no way that any changes going forward from that would make it into the release game or even a day one patch.
It was a demo with the intention of improving lacklustre pre-orders. Anyone that actually believes them when they called it a beta is a naive numpty.
A lot of people pre-ordered the game way before the open beta, some of these people will have got their money back, but not everyone would have had that opportunity. I was one of those people. I thought at least I'd have a reasonable single player campaign to fall back on. Whoops!
We could pull our server back to pretty much any FPS we wanted, we have no "investment" per se-
The server is ours to use, we choose to put it on MOH! I could put it back to some other game within about 5minutes so go figure.
You're with Multiplay right? So it still costs money to have MoH on your hot-swappable games? So you're still paying a fee per-server, per-month right?
The lower recoil actually caters to those who can aim. If your outgunned its because you missed, not because of a random cone of fire. Massive recoil cones are A) unrealistic and B) do nothing for a game. Its equal playing field.
Actually it caters to people that can't control their recoil... Also, see point below, I'm not complaining that I'm getting owned because of a lack of recoil.
I know a fair few competitive gamers who haven't touched anything since CSS/CS1.6 but are finding themselves excited about this game.
Generally the ones who hated it in our clan were the ones who were struggling. Its obvious your enjoyment is proportional to success. Even they have turned the corner by having a good round or two so its a fair assumption to make.
I mentioned in my post that I have plenty of success when I play, so all the comments that people keep making about "getting owned no wonder you hate it" don't really ring true. However, I fail to see how a massive lack of recoil can ever be a good thing for a game, other than making it easier for people that can't handle it.
The point about the beta is a valid one. I played the open beta and didn't preorder or anything. It was exactly that, open. Everyone could play. To think the game was going to drastically change in a week is misguided for those that bought it on the basis its a beta, it will be better.
I was thinking more of people playing the closed beta and hoping for a large improvement.
As I mentioned, the open beta was just a marketing ploy, and in reality just a big old demo. Nothing will have come from that beta and been in the release, or day one patch.