Porridge isn't something you would really class as a refined carb, I'd agree about most cereals though.
Maybe, I think it depends on what kind of porridge it is, I think the instant microwave stuff is pretty bad.
Porridge isn't something you would really class as a refined carb, I'd agree about most cereals though.
Get some good quality granola, chuck in some blueberries and/or strawberries, and cover in Greek honey yogurt. Here's one I made earlier.
Don't turn your nose up at the idea of granola. Crap granola tastes like saw dust. Good granola is absolutely delicious, especially when covered in yogurt. Very healthy and very quick to make. Also, one decent sized portion will fill you up.
I don`t think artifical vitamin tablets can or should replace fruits. I take vitamin-C and multivitamin tablets but also eat fruits as they contain a lot of stuff that you cant` find in tablets (e.g. fibre and antioxidants.)
Also natural, unrefined porridge is one of the healthiest carb you can eat. Of course the instant stuff is crap as it`s basically means they added lots of sugar in it.
Weetabix/Shredded Wheat
They aren't too bad are they?
If your trying to lose weight yes. CARBS CARBS CARBS
Should try and get most of your carbs from vegetables.
Then what are you supposed to eat (apart from eggs)?
The little amount of fibre in fruit isn't going to help him lose weight when they are full of sugar. If you still want to eat one piece of fruit a day then eat it when your most active like after cycling to work etc.
I also never said he had to completely cut out fruit, but he should cut it out for at least a few weeks to get the fat burning process going. I would say 1 portion of fruit is enough to spike your blood sugar.
Is it ok eating eggs every day though?