Breaking Bad Season 4

Loving the new season so far a little slow in places but none the less brilliant. Walter was pushing his luck at the dinner table with Hank in the last episode. Heisenberg has balls of Adamantium :D!
Yeah, I like this series too.

It's moved onto another, different type of tension now, more of a mental thing rather than lots of all out action.

Looks like this might be the best season. It's a big chess match!
After Bogdan's speech to Walt about how he'd better be ready to be a tough boss now he's in control, I'm fairly confident* we'll see Walt either kill Gus, or move into competition against him. It felt like a massive piece of foreshadowing.

Not that confident, really.
Spoilertastic post:

In that badass "I am the one who knocks" speech, did Walt basically confess to killing Gale?:confused:
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I think his character has definitely gotten a lot darker. Skyler's right, if they went to the cops to inform on Gus he'd probably get away with a slap on the wrist if they played the "poor, cancer-ridden schoolteacher" sob-story. The reason he won't get out is because he doesn't want to anymore. He's not in it to provide for his family anymore, he's in it to win.
I hope so. I felt for a time it was dragging on a bit in terms of development. This could be walts chance to upgrade in the world*

*also his wife.
I think his character has definitely gotten a lot darker. Skyler's right, if they went to the cops to inform on Gus he'd probably get away with a slap on the wrist if they played the "poor, cancer-ridden schoolteacher" sob-story. The reason he won't get out is because he doesn't want to anymore. He's not in it to provide for his family anymore, he's in it to win.
The whole show has essentially been about how this originally mild mannered, well-meaning person has become darker and darker over the course of the four seasons. To the point where Jesse became the more moral of the two by the end of the last season. It's fantastic storytelling. :)

In the end, I can only see one of two finales. Either Walt manages to redeem himself somehow (which looks more and more unlikely as the show goes on), or he'll die.
Not quite! I was thinking about it on the way home from work and I knew it was either a Challenger or a Camaro.

Turns out it is indeed a Dodge Challengher although in that colour they do look strikingly similar!

I'd have chosen the Camaro myself but there you go :p
Spoilertastic post

Spoilertastic post:

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I think his character has definitely gotten a lot darker. Skyler's right, if they went to the cops to inform on Gus he'd probably get away with a slap on the wrist if they played the "poor, cancer-ridden schoolteacher" sob-story. The reason he won't get out is because he doesn't want to anymore. He's not in it to provide for his family anymore, he's in it to win.

That speech was great! I think he did confess to it, he pretty much said that he runs the show now. What I don't understand is why he told Hank that Gale was no genius. He really does not like other people taking credit for his work! That was a huge turning point in the show and will probably be his demise. There have been a few hints now that suggest Hank thinks it's Walter behind it all. It looks like that storyline is developing really slowly and instead we're going to see a turf war of some sort? Hank has to be the one that arrests him, it surely has to end that way (or Walt gets too big for his boots). <-- highlight to show hidden text.

He's also no longer coughing and cancer has not been mentioned for quite a while!
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