If anyone hasn't watched this, do so now you won't be disappointed!
you checked out 'Sons of Anarchy' ? for these two are the best shows around at the min
I take it we don't use spoiler warnings at all in this thread?
I really shouldn't come here until I've finished the series :s
Great read, cheers.I don't know if anyone here is an A.V. Club reader? If not, here is Season 4 as explained by Vince Gilligan himself. (In four parts).
AVC: Are there things from earlier seasons that you’re still waiting or hoping to pay off?
VG: Yeah, definitely. The most coy way I can answer that is that there are several things that I think are still outstanding. I guess one of them that goes without saying is the dramatic engine that started this whole series, which is Walt’s cancer diagnosis. That’s certainly something we have not forgotten about, and that is something we will touch base on in one form or another as we draw to a conclusion in our last 16 episodes. But there are other things as well. Definitely we spend a lot of time looking to the past, and looking to previous episodes in an effort to tell a satisfying story by not leaving many, or any, hopefully, loose ends hanging out.
Walt definitely cares about Jesse. If he didn't he would not have been in the situation he found himself in. His dedication to Jesse has led us to where we are, and may I say thank **** he does care for him or we wouldn't have had such an awesome program.
I'm going to spend the weekend watching seasons 1 & 2. It'll be interesting to see how much that happened back then impacts on what has transpired in season 4.
I still don't think he made the exchange. It was too quick and they would have played it out more. Saul's reaction to Huel's pat down didn't seem like a "well down, good job" wink and a nod reaction.
I also don't think Saul is that type of guy and if he was, he would have charged Walt more money than he probably has to do something like that.
My guess is, Walt followed Brock, bought him a drink and did it that way. Maybe... hmm but Brock would then explain that to everyone. So, Walt must have had access to Brock's house (maybe from Sauls assistant?) and added the poison to something he knew Brock would consume...
I think BB do this to make people go crazy in speculation. Like when everyone thought Mike was aiming at Jesse.
At this point, Jesse and Walt's relationship is uncondtional. The amount of near death moments they have gone through would have brought them closer like a son and father.