Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

I think from the vignette in the cold open of the first episode that it's clear Walt is gonna try to take out Mike and his guys. That's certainly what he's hinting at by relaying the Victor episode to Jesse again albeit with a new interpretation. What else would he need a machine gun that big for?
Call me crazy, but does anyone else think it could be the gun that's the red herring, not the full head of hair? ie a flashback of some description.

ok ok, I'm crazy :p.
Doesn't seem likely that it's a flashback. He only met the arms dealer in season four (or was it three?) when he bought the gun to kill Gus for the first time. They seemed to know each other in the toilet at the start of season five so I'm pretty sure it's in the future.
guys what was the last bit about? something has gone clean over my head, when walt and jesse were talking at the end of the latest episode
Interesting. I'm thinking of doing my dissertation on something like this, hence the question.

on this topic i think one of the reasons band of brothers was so good was that thing had production standards (and budget) close to if not equal to similar style films such as saving private ryan.
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