Well, from my pov I wouldn't want to be seen to be encouraging illegal activities on forums linked with the business. As a team we would be if this was retained with us being aware of it.
Not sure what you mean by free speech.
Someone said it was available on Netflix. Is it?
Did anyone watch episode 2? I can't believe he died :/
Yes I did.
Who are you talking about?
I am guessing that lady was their supplier? I wonder where Walt and Jesse were on the list of people to be killed? and if any other hitmen have that list?
Great show , i got into it pretty late so landed up watching series 1-4 back to back. Cant wait to see how this series will play out.
Watched episode two again tonight...Mike's character has to be the best hard-guy ever in a show/film"Nobody's going to find you..." So dark
Best TV show ever. Bryan Cranston is fantastic. As is Aaron Paul. Its a fantastically well written and to me feels like a film with a whole lot more detail. Brilliant!
My personal highlights;
The bath tub incident is my personal favorite. It turned me from think that BB was ok to thinking it was fantastic. Other high points are Walt blowing up Tuco's place, when he runs over the drug dealers and shoots them in the head. And the Mexican twins/Hank scene.
Best TV show ever. Bryan Cranston is fantastic. As is Aaron Paul. Its a fantastically well written and to me feels like a film with a whole lot more detail. Brilliant!
I take it you've not seen Season 5 yet then? Because it's explained in that.
You may have missed that Saul got Huell to pinch it from Jesse in S4 though.
I have a question about the end of Season 4. Walter made a poison for Jessie to kill Gus, where did this go? Jessie hid it in a ciggy, but could never find it when Brock was in the hospital. The plant that was used to poison Brock was from Walters land, who did this? Also, why did Saul run away and what happened to Skinny P and Badger??
Season 5 answers most of your questons.
What did happen to Skinny P and Badger? I can't remember.