Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

Wasn't so much that it was obvious, more that I think we all forgot about the kid from the start of the episode.

I think I shouldn't read things before watching episodes because comments like "omg did not expect that" "jaw dropped" had me thinking that someone (one of the main 3) was going to die or that lady was going to get caught or something really bad, in terms of the general storyline.
Wow... That was brilliant. Brutal and unnecessary, but brilliant.

This really is the best show on TV right now. I bet HBO and showtime are kicking themselves for passing it up.
I think I shouldn't read things before watching episodes because comments like "omg did not expect that" "jaw dropped" had me thinking that someone (one of the main 3) was going to die or that lady was going to get caught or something really bad, in terms of the general storyline.

You have to be pretty silly to enter a current tv series' thread if you're not up to date.

It's also why I steer well clear of any Games of Throne mentions on the internet due to people having read book 5 ruining all the plots lol.
No, I meant that I don't think I'm silly because since people use spoiler tags it should be fairly safe in this thread, which it is, but I won't venture in here until after each episode.
Yes, but like you said, things like 'Jaw dropping' hardly warrant a spoiler tag, but they will still taint your viewing experience.
Did they pass it up?


From the imdb trivia page:

In 2005, after Showtime, TNT and HBO rejected the initial pitch for "Breaking Bad" FX stepped in and immediately began development on the pilot, but eventually passed on the project in favour of the Courteney Cox show "Dirt" in a bid to draw more female viewers.

So HBO, Showtime, FX and TNT all passed it up.

Incidentally, Breaking Bad is rated at 94% on imdb... the only shows with a higher rating are The Wire (95), and the David Attenborough documentary Planet Earth (96). Pretty classy...
Wow, The Wire must be off the shizzle then! I started watching it ages ago but it was very slow to start off and I got bored.
Wow, The Wire must be off the shizzle then! I started watching it ages ago but it was very slow to start off and I got bored.

Yeah, The Wire is just something else. It's a lot slower paced than Breaking Bad, but once you get into it, it's simply jaw dropping :) The level of realism is simply unmatched by anything else, as is the quality of the acting and the character development.

I actually pretty much agree with most of the top few rated shows on imdb (The Wire, BB, Game of Thrones), though personally I'd also put Battlestar Galactica up there as well (...being a self-confessed sci-fi nerd I accept that I'm not exactly unbiased in this though!).
so how does everyone think the end will come to walt? is his wife finally going to crack and grass him up to hank? jesse gonna put an end to the meth and walt?
I think walt is going to end up being killed with the ricin he stashed away.
so how does everyone think the end will come to walt? is his wife finally going to crack and grass him up to hank? jesse gonna put an end to the meth and walt?
I think walt is going to end up being killed with the ricin he stashed away.

Skylar can't tell the feds about Walt as she is in on it as well. Walt already explained why she can't go tell Hank.

She just wants to wait and let the cancer take care of walt.

How is Walt going to be killed by ricin? Only he knows where it is in his house. Unlikely.

I think Jesse will be the last one standing from all of this. He will most likely make enough money to live the rest of his life in some other country and forgot about everything that happaned with Walt.

Thats how I see it ending. Jesse riding off into the sunset. :p

The end to E5 had my heart pumping. I knew the kid wasn't going anywhere but did not expect him to be shot. E6 is going to amazing.


How did the feds manage to bug all of those cans without anyone noticing? Its not like they can just pass them quickly and stick the trackers on them. They would have had to use the forklift... and its not like they can break in when the place is closed either.
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How did the feds manage to bug all of those cans without anyone noticing? Its not like they can just pass them quickly and stick the trackers on them. They would have had to use the forklift... and its not like they can break in when the place is closed either.

They got to the barrells before they ended up at the warehouse

Great episode, totally forgot about the kid, I didn't think Tod had it in him!
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