Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

Juts epic.

I didn't even notice his hair untill the rest room scene. lol.

What the hell is he going to do with that huge ass machine gun? Is he fighting helicopters now?

Ted isn't dead. :O


anyone else think that Skyler might have more up her sleeve this season? When she was talking to Ted it seemed as though she was enjoying having someone be intimidated by her..

Totally, her and Goodman will team up to mess with Walt. Saul is probably scared to death of Walt by now.

btw, the age old debate on whether or not Huell got the cig from Jesse during that shake down was answered. He did. Good hands for a big guy.

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Minor spoiler for the next episode.

Looks like Walt and Jesse are going to dump Goodman and get some one else. This just leads to Sual and Skylar teaming up. :mad:
I am guessing that lady was their supplier? I wonder where Walt and Jesse were on the list of people to be killed? and if any other hitmen have that list?

Best TV show ever. Bryan Cranston is fantastic. As is Aaron Paul. Its a fantastically well written and to me feels like a film with a whole lot more detail. Brilliant!

My personal highlights;

The bath tub incident is my personal favorite. It turned me from think that BB was ok to thinking it was fantastic. Other high points are Walt blowing up Tuco's place, when he runs over the drug dealers and shoots them in the head. And the Mexican twins/Hank scene.

The bath tub scene is up there with the greatest dark humor scenes I can think of.
Anyone noticed that it was his 51st birthday? In EP 1 the flashback was for his 55th birthday. Is there really going to be a movie after this season?
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