Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

I thought when he called Jr (Flyn lol) Jesse was one of the most touching and significant moment in the entire show.

But yes you're right he could blurt it out.

Walt see's Jesse as a son and I am sure Jesse see's Walt as a father figure. Remember, Jesse's relationship with his parents isn't great, Walt has been a father figure to Jesse. They must have a strong bond by now.



This is a good one


and someone called the book being Walt's downfall.

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No it wasn't , and please use spoiler tags

Oh, yeah, it was lily of the valley but I remember Jesse saying it could've be ricin. Thats the connection I am making. It means nothing.

and you don't need to use spoilers for something that aired over a year ago.. its all game after that.
HAH! Awesome! The people that go to drug stores to get sudo, are called smurfs according to Jesse! Smurfs are blue and once they change the formula to eliminate to sudo the meth turns blue. That was at the start of the episode 7, season 1. Lol, it also has, "Yeah science!" :D

"ahhhhhh wire"

"a robot?"

"I'm a blowfish ****!"

I bet Hank will be really re-energised in going after Walt, I don't see him being turned at all.

If I've learnt anything from The Wire it's that cops love a case they can really get their teeth into.

I don't think its that simple. Remember what happened to Hank's boss? He got canned for overlooking a case. Walt has been doing his meth business right under Hank's nose.
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