Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

Interesting facts I read today about the show.

On the season one DVD audio commentary, Vince Gilligan revealed that Jessie was originally going to die by the end of season one. However, they changed their minds after seeing Aaron Paul's performance.

Sony and AMC were initially reluctant to cast Bryan Cranston because of his previous comedic roles and considered both John Cusack and 'Matthew Broderick' for Walter White. When they both declined, Vince Gilligan got to cast Cranston.

and the funniest thing I have read today is....

During filming, the introduction of Wendy the prostitute was briefly interrupted when a non-actor attempted to pick up actress Julia Minesci, mistaking her for a prostitute.

lol :D

Meth Whore. lol.
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I hope this all leads to where it looks like it will. The ending could be epic.

The other week when Hank's boss was talking about Gus saying he had him at his house etc. and how he never knew. It looked like Hank had a fraction of a second realisation then lost it.

The way they've grown Walt from a poor old school teacher with cancer to a drugs kingpin, from a sympathetic character, a hero if you will, to a sociopath is brilliant.

I think Walt will indeed kill Skyler. Jesse has to find out Walt poisoned the kid and we'll have an ending that'll top all endings before it.

I hope so anyway.

I don't think Walt will kill skylar as the only reason Walt is doing this is for his family. He wouldn't want to leave his kids without a mother or himself.

Saying that, I don't see good things coming Skylar's way. I can see her maybe being kidnapped, spilling her guts, or getting back into Walts business and become part of it again. She is already pretty much deep into it anyway. She would go down if the truth gets out.

Someone will be killed this season. Probably Mike. :(
so how does everyone think the end will come to walt? is his wife finally going to crack and grass him up to hank? jesse gonna put an end to the meth and walt?
I think walt is going to end up being killed with the ricin he stashed away.

Skylar can't tell the feds about Walt as she is in on it as well. Walt already explained why she can't go tell Hank.

She just wants to wait and let the cancer take care of walt.

How is Walt going to be killed by ricin? Only he knows where it is in his house. Unlikely.

I think Jesse will be the last one standing from all of this. He will most likely make enough money to live the rest of his life in some other country and forgot about everything that happaned with Walt.

Thats how I see it ending. Jesse riding off into the sunset. :p

The end to E5 had my heart pumping. I knew the kid wasn't going anywhere but did not expect him to be shot. E6 is going to amazing.


How did the feds manage to bug all of those cans without anyone noticing? Its not like they can just pass them quickly and stick the trackers on them. They would have had to use the forklift... and its not like they can break in when the place is closed either.
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I hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling that BB might have peaked (for me at least) in season 4. I can't see how they will beat it. I hope they do though.

Have you even started watching season 5? I think ep5 may just be one of the best so far.

I think the reason why I rate this show so much is probably because I just stumbled across when season 1 was shown on fx. I caught it from the first episode. If you are getting into it now you will most likely be reading all the buzz on the internet and end up setting your expectations too high.
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I like Lydia, she's interesting and I think will be a key character throughout the series.

She gives you that sense of betrayal and uncertainty. Since Gus is gone, the show needs a "villian" and Skylar/Lydia are kinda filling that hole.

The only thing the show needs now is for Hank to find out who Walt is but I don't think that angle will come into play untill Part 2. :(

Its almost silly that Hank hasn't figured out who Walt is by now. They are dragging this on far too long IMO. Hank is the head of the D.E.A., he can smell a meth head a mile away. Its the only thing that kinda bugs me about the show.
Thats just messed up if they mean anything by it.

Remember season 3? The pink bear in the pool at the start of nearly every episode?
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He is still bitter about what happened with Gray Matter and how he should already be well off.

He is doing this for his kids and himself. The hell with Skylar.

btw, looks like they caught Walter White in the next episode.

AP foreign, Friday August 17 2012

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) — A man who shares the same name with television's most noted meth dealer is wanted by authorities in Alabama for allegedly violating his probation for a past meth conviction.

The Tuscaloosa News reported Thursday ( ) that 55-year-old Walter White was placed on probation after a 2008 conviction for making methamphetamine. The Tuscaloosa County Sheriff's Office recently placed White on its most-wanted list after his arrest on similar charges in Bibb County this year.

On TV, Walter White has so far evaded capture. The character played by Bryan Cranston in AMC's "Breaking Bad" is a high school chemistry teacher who turns to cooking meth to help support his family after he's diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

The show is in its fifth and final season. Cranston has won three consecutive Emmys
Mr white will turn out to be exactly like Gus but a big improvement.

Maybe. Maybe this is how Gus built his empire. I mean, how exactly do you build a meth empire? Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves here, we still have to wait a year for part 2. :mad:

I think if Jesse and Mike want to see their share of the money, they have to either, rat on Walt or set him up to be caught by Hank.

This series is surely one of the best TV Shows of all time?
The depth of detail that goes into each episode is incredible.

Thanks to Robert1986 for posting about this show. Otherwise I wouldn't have found it!

Glad you like it. We will have to wait a good 5-10 years I reckon before people start talking about BB in the same sense as The Wire and The Sopranos.
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People already do that just now.

Yeah, but I feel greatness can only be truly seen over time. Of course people are going to rate bb highly because its current and everyone is into it.

It the wide spread appeal I am talking about that we will have to wait and see for.
How can anyone have any sympathy for Walt at this point? He has already done enough for us to feel no sympathy towards him. He is trash.
The thing is, how is Walt going to keep the guys in lock up quiet? Once they find out the game paying them is dead, surely they will want to sweeting their deal on the inside?

I guess this is where Lydia comes in, maybe she knows someone doing time and puts a hit out on Mike's men?

What is Walt going to say to Jesse? "oh hai, I just killed Mike for the lulz, lets cook." ???

Episode 8 is the finale, it has to leave on a huge cliff hanger. Maybe the D.E.A find Mike and then find Walt's finger prints? Walt must have his prints on record somewhere surely?
If its one thing I've learned from this show, always expect the unexpected. No matter what we think'll happen, we will be wrong. You just can't predict this show.
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