US: Breaking Bad Season 5 Part II - The finale.

Plus we never really saw Lydia die, she might have made it too the hospital.

Even if she went to the hospital, there is currently very little in the way of antidotes tested on humans, most of which is military research. As such, no hospital is going to be carrying that in their pharmacy and all they would be able to do is ease her suffering as she passes away.

I think there was actually more satisfaction for Walt (and the audience) in having caught that phone call and told her what she was suffering from, rather than her dying of unexplained causes.

1) When the guy says "you'll never find your money" walt doesn't even respond, just caps him in the head, was this his moment of redemption, when he doesn't care about more money?

It's not that he doesn't care, it was just that things are at an end. The last two episodes were in part devoted to showing how difficult it was for Walt to give what money he does have to his family. They won't/can't take it and there is nobody at all he can trust to give it to them. His former friends/business partners at the start of the episode are the only people he knew who could do that, and are also rich enough and do enough for charity that its believable. Obviously the threat he had to add in just to ensure they did as he asked.

He might not have all the money he earned, but he has given his son a rather large fortune that will take care of him for many years to come.

As for Walt himself, the money was irrelevant because he went into that situation knowing it was the end of the line for him. Although it was never explicitly said, it was clear Walt didn't want to go to jail and the cancer was soon going to take him anyway.

I realy would like to see a 1 off special episode done to show things 10 months down the line... with juniors 18th, the trial of skyler, where did saul go, finding hank and gomez, did walt survive, and... the legend of heisenberg...

Personally I don't think it needs that, its not going to add anything and we can easily assume the outcome of most of the situations.

People keep asking about Saul, well in the previous episode it was shown how he was with the vacuum cleaner guy and was clearly moving to a new life elsewhere. He has no real significance anymore. Perhaps there wasn't much in the way of a final goodbye between him and Walt as a kind of closure for the audience, but there were barely seeing eye to eye before hand anyway.

Jessie may have some money left and would need to get as far away from the area as possible. I think he has seen enough suffering as the result of drugs and his own actions to not touch them anymore.

Skyler was shown to be lifted of blame by Walt's confession over the phone, plus she now had the lottery ticket as a bargaining chip. So we have to assume that she wasn't charged with any knowing involvement or assistance to Walt's crimes.

Finding Hank would just be scenes of Marie crying.

As for Heisenberg, his legend is now just that. By freeing Jessie he tied up the end of his meth being produced and subsequently there would be no more blue meth again.

For me I thought the smartest part of the episode was Walt's confession to Skyler that he "Did it for himself". We know he started out doing it for his family, but he became Heisenberg, came to enjoy who he was and what he was doing. At the end he was finally able to realise that and be honest about it.
one thing that bugged me was at the start walt was in the car in the snow but... policeman never checked it even though his foot prints would have been fresh :p

I did think about that, in terms of the fact that if Police suddenly had a lead on where a major drug kingpin was, chances are they would comb the area and wouldn't just leave.


Walt was in a pretty small and remote town, chances are there weren't much more Police than what we saw turn up at the end of the previous episode.

Secondly, we don't know how far away from the bar the car that Walt broke into was. If it was right outside you can be sure they would have checked them all.

The fact that the car also had the keys left inside kind of reinforces how it was the middle of nowhere, a place where people aren't really concerned that they will be robbed or have things stolen like that. The Police force certainly weren't prepared for a major manhunt!
Finding Hank would just be scenes of Marie crying.

Would pay for a whole episode of just that

Just watched it at lunch :)

The only part I wanted to happen extra was the Jesse left with money, to start a new life and possibly take care of the kid.

er you do realise breaking bad is the prequel to the new need for speed movie right? it ended perfectly
Epic in every way. Gutted it's all over. Now to look forward to GOT season 4.

The machine gun was indeed totally awesome. I think we all expected it to end up in some badass scene.
Something else just occured.

Walts very last actions secured his legacy as Heisenberg, and also helped Jesse out... caring for him until the very end... or, was it still part of Walts selfishness showing through, claiming credit for someone elses work, or was it him taking the credit for "his product"?

People were aware of the blue meth still being produced and sold, people would have assumed it was Heisenberg, but by him holding the gas mask, and dying in the lab, it would have been "confirmed" by the police that Walter White was found in the meth lab, and not that it was Jesse doing the cooks. Lydia is dead, so no more would be distributed.

As far as the public would have been concerned, the blue meth would have died with Walt, and everyone else, was either dead, or taken care of.
and im sure he is happy just to be alive

Indeed, I think Jesse finally realised how precious life is. After sulking and not doing anything for ages this is the wakeup call he needed to start his life again and try to move on.
Something else just occured.

Walts very last actions secured his legacy as Heisenberg, and also helped Jesse out... caring for him until the very end... or, was it still part of Walts selfishness showing through, claiming credit for someone elses work, or was it him taking the credit for "his product"?

People were aware of the blue meth still being produced and sold, people would have assumed it was Heisenberg, but by him holding the gas mask, and dying in the lab, it would have been "confirmed" by the police that Walter White was found in the meth lab, and not that it was Jesse doing the cooks. Lydia is dead, so no more would be distributed.

As far as the public would have been concerned, the blue meth would have died with Walt, and everyone else, was either dead, or taken care of.

Its made clear a number of times the fact that the Police/DEA and even the public are well aware that Walter White is the drug kingpin Heisenberg. There is the manhunt, news stories, accounts from other characters and graffiti in his house. The fact that the blue meth was still being produced while he was on the run did imply he was still making money from it, whether he was producing it or not.

As far as finding Walt in the Meth lab, its probably more likely it would be revealed as a drug feud and they will know exactly what happened. Yes they have found Walt in a Meth lab, but his prints aren't really going to be on anything. Further to that, you have a dead gang, along with a concealed weapon designed to kill them all. The Police will also be aware of who Jack is because of the fact Walt revealed to Skyler that they killed Hank and Gomez and Walt was going after them.

Showing Walt in the Meth lab as he died was just the perfect way for them to end it. He was a Chemist who loved science and as he revealed in this episode, he enjoyed making Meth. With Jessie no longer making it and the fact that it was demonstrated nobody else could make it so pure, his top quality Meth has died with his legacy. The fact that the Meth was still being produced is how Walt simply knew that Jessie had to be alive, he of course though likely wasn't aware whether he was a partner or a slave. We have to imagine though that Jessie would still be a wanted criminal.
Amazing end to what is by far my favourite show ever. I think they ended/tied it up quite nicely.

Although i'd have liked to have seen a 1 year on or something to see how jessie was doing after it all.
People that wanted Jessie to take the money must not have been watching the same show as I was, because he's been slowly rejecting the life he chose for quite a while now, and could not be any more forceful with his rejection the back half of S5. The last thing he wants is anything to do with that life anymore, including the drug money.

The writers would be pee'ing on the character they've spent a long time developing by finishing it off with him accepting drug money.
Predictable, but very enjoyable and well done end to a good show :), enjoyed the closing shot.

Very much enjoyed the show as a whole! Walter White is such a horrible character.
Pre ordered my barrel on Blu Ray as soon as it was available! Hope they come in a little case inside that looks like money!
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