Brexit thread - what happens next

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so basically financially we've shot both our feet

but Osborne will do his best to mitigate

remind me why people voted Leave ?

Immigration, which won't change, sovereignty, which we already have.

Boris wants access to the single market, including freedom of movement?

That's going to upset a lot of people who voted leave.

Yes, and yes. Absolutely right on both counts.

its obvious the first thing we need to address is the education of the Country

its obviously suffered over the years

I just cannot believe that 52% of voters were really this blind

do they really think a shrunk economy etc will not affect them ?

if not- they're obviously very financially stable sitting on huge savings and can laugh at the rest when they struggle moving forward
its obvious the first thing we need to address is the education of the Country

its obviously suffered over the years

I just cannot believe that 52% of voters were really this blind

do they really think a shrunk economy etc will not affect them ?

if not- they're obviously very financially stable sitting on huge savings and can laugh at the rest when they struggle moving forward

Most of the people I know/am aware of voting Leave are working class, mostly renting accommodation and are on average to minimum wages.
Cameron's resignation forces a general election which means the chance of article 50 being triggered has diminished hugely.
Why do you think DC resigning forces a GE?
Boris wants access to the single market, including freedom of movement?

That's going to upset a lot of people who voted leave.

It's almost as if this should have all been set out before people voted to leave - rather than just hoping for a return to some imaginary version of Britain's golden age.
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...because Leave wouldn't have won if this sort of information was readily available. The Leave campaign are hardly going to crow about not reducing immigration when that was one of the cornerstones of their vote.

then it is annoying they were potentially miss-led

and that they were naive enough to not realise it
For their to be a general election, 2/3 of MPs, 434 out of 650 would need to call for an election.

So there would need to be support from both Labour and Tory MPs and I have a sneaking suspicion most Labour MPs think they wouldn't win a GE with Corbyn in charge. : /
Most of the people I know/am aware of voting Leave are working class, mostly renting accommodation and are on average to minimum wages.

I don't know anyone that voted remain. The people that I do know all voted Leave
and they range from Doctors\Nurses\lawyers\company owners\workers ect and
my cousin who owns\runs a large Modelling agency also voted out.
I reckon new pm will want get a mandate from the public on invoking article 50 (or not) - if they go ahead without a general election it's going to be a very short post for them

It was the word force I was picking up on. It forces an internal power struggle, not a GE. It may well result in a GE but I think that would be suicide for the Cons even if a lack of one would be political suicide for the next PM.
It's debatable how long Corbyn will be in charge though.

Well he's made it clear he'll stay on the ballot if it comes to it.

It's all a joke though, the Lib Dems have done more than Labour have since Friday to try and gain people's interest and more possible votes.
So what I as an ashamed leave voter has found out since the result :

I've given the racists a ticket to be disgusting.

I've helped cause a global financial meltdown.

I've probably ruined my daughters future.

Aside from that, the fact that the leave campaign have come out and admitted they blatantly lied means many people's votes are based on a complete fallacy.

The politicians from all sides should all come together and declare the result void and all fall on their swords.

Yes it will cause uproar with a lot of leave voters but that will be directed at them. Better than the alternative we are just beginning to see.
Well he's made it clear he'll stay on the ballot if it comes to it.

It's all a joke though, the Lib Dems have done more than Labour have since Friday to try and gain people's interest and more possible votes.

If there's a vote of no confidence it won't be his decision to make. At the rate it's going I'll be surprised if he can fill the shadow cabinet!
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