Brexit thread - what happens next

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He can stand no matter what the vote says. The PLP only have one vote per MP and the wider Labour Party members seem to love him.

I'm wondering if Labour will split apart in to two parties.
So what I as an ashamed leave voter has found out since the result :

I've given the racists a ticket to be disgusting.

I've helped cause a global financial meltdown.

I've probably ruined my daughters future.

Aside from that, the fact that the leave campaign have come out and admitted they blatantly lied means many people's votes are based on a complete fallacy.

The politicians from all sides should all come together and declare the result void and all fall on their swords.

Yes it will cause uproar with a lot of leave voters but that will be directed at them. Better than the alternative we are just beginning to see.

I sympathise, but also its up to you to research based on facts. It was obvious that negative things would happen but every time we mentioned it ... It was dubbed project fear. What more could have been said?
I sympathise, but also its up to you to research based on facts. It was obvious that negative things would happen but every time we mentioned it ... It was dubbed project fear. What more could have been said?

I'm sorry but I'm not an expert in politics.

I'm not an expert in finance.

I'm not an expert in the massive inner workings of the eu ect ect...

You need to understand that I and many others can't research and really understand that stuff in a matter of weeks amid all the noise and lies from both sides.

Also hindsight is a wonderful thing. We should never have been given the vote in the first place.
I sympathise, but also its up to you to research based on facts. It was obvious that negative things would happen but every time we mentioned it ... It was dubbed project fear. What more could have been said?

It's not just that. Immigration was one of the main pillars of the campaign and all surveys showed it was the most important factor for the leave voters. And now Boris says nothing will change re free trade and movement?? They outright deceived their voters.
So what I as an ashamed leave voter has found out since the result :

I've given the racists a ticket to be disgusting.

I've helped cause a global financial meltdown.

I've probably ruined my daughters future.

Aside from that, the fact that the leave campaign have come out and admitted they blatantly lied means many people's votes are based on a complete fallacy.

The politicians from all sides should all come together and declare the result void and all fall on their swords.

Yes it will cause uproar with a lot of leave voters but that will be directed at them. Better than the alternative we are just beginning to see.

Its forced change onto the people of Europe, its stop us going to a possible WAR with #russia the EU is a destructive machine that will push the Europeans into a bloody war in the future.

The UK has been used by every country in Europe including the US since 1914, we were forced into things that the country never liked.

We now have a tactical position as the EU is in a mess and should take advantage of. We will find out who is really our friend on the international Area, and I hope we will not take part in this hybrid war thats playing out.
The Swiss have decided not to fully integrate with the EU for the very same reasons.

Yes its going to be hard but it will allow the future generations to have a say on their country, the younger generation have been brainwashed just like ww1 ww2 etc...
Our political parties were less of politicians and more PR personnel, this will change now, we should start to get proper politicians into power not mindless drones that can't negotiate.
So what I as an ashamed leave voter has found out since the result :

I've given the racists a ticket to be disgusting.

I've helped cause a global financial meltdown.

I've probably ruined my daughters future.

Aside from that, the fact that the leave campaign have come out and admitted they blatantly lied means many people's votes are based on a complete fallacy.

The politicians from all sides should all come together and declare the result void and all fall on their swords.

Yes it will cause uproar with a lot of leave voters but that will be directed at them. Better than the alternative we are just beginning to see.

This is why I hate referendums. It's far too easy for politicians to lie to the public and get them to vote based on emotions rather than logic.
It's not just that. Immigration was one of the main pillars of the campaign and all surveys showed it was the most important factor for the leave voters. And now Boris says nothing will change re free trade and movement?? They outright deceived their voters.

You can have immigration it was never one of my main points, the difference is that we can alter the laws of what those immigrants that come here to work receive, this is the important part, also we can now have a system that works for us not against us.

The EU cause us to lose our nuclear engineers in the 60s we were the leading nation with leading designs of nuclear power stations we lost all that.
We now need to copy the Singapore and the German 1950s way of trade and business, not close our doors to the world but open them and take advantage.
Its forced change onto the people of Europe, its stop us going to a possible WAR with #russia the EU is a destructive machine that will push the Europeans into a bloody war in the future.

The UK has been used by every country in Europe including the US since 1914, we were forced into things that the country never liked.

We now have a tactical position as the EU is in a mess and should take advantage of. We will find out who is really our friend on the international Area, and I hope we will not take part in this hybrid war thats playing out.
The Swiss have decided not to fully integrate with the EU for the very same reasons.

Yes its going to be hard but it will allow the future generations to have a say on their country, the younger generation have been brainwashed just like ww1 ww2 etc...
Our political parties were less of politicians and more PR personnel, this will change now, we should start to get proper politicians into power not mindless drones that can't negotiate.

OK, let's address your points one at a time.

Firstly, we're in NATO which trumps the EU militarily. If the EU goes to war with Russia we are obliged to help being a member of NATO. So, no change.

The UK has not been used by every country since 1914. We fought two wars because a military power chose to trample all over Europe. Sitting back and doing nothing would not have worked well. Hitler wasn't going to go "Oh, Britain is being nice and not fighting. Let's leave them be". That approach worked well for the Netherlands.

Hybrid war? What on earth are you talking about. Can I please see some evidence of this war that you speak of?
...because Leave wouldn't have won if this sort of information was readily available. The Leave campaign are hardly going to crow about not reducing immigration when that was one of the cornerstones of their vote.

Both campaigns were run shockingly bad. What was at the forefront was attention grabbing trot with sensible arguments sidelined in favour of bold sweeping statements that made no reference to the truth.

I said earlier in the thread that I'd like to see a judicial review to hold the various liars and intentionally misleading politicians to account.

Great idea :)
Yes, and yes. Absolutely right on both counts.

Not according to dowie who interpreted that another way and the 'points based immigration system will be applied to EU citizens' and we will get 'partial access to the single market' in some sort of hybrid deal.

Not sure what 'partial access' would look like and I guess we can always set the points threshold for EU citizens at 0 ;)
Its forced change onto the people of Europe, its stop us going to a possible WAR with #russia the EU is a destructive machine that will push the Europeans into a bloody war in the future.

The UK has been used by every country in Europe including the US since 1914, we were forced into things that the country never liked.

We now have a tactical position as the EU is in a mess and should take advantage of. We will find out who is really our friend on the international Area, and I hope we will not take part in this hybrid war thats playing out.
The Swiss have decided not to fully integrate with the EU for the very same reasons.

Yes its going to be hard but it will allow the future generations to have a say on their country, the younger generation have been brainwashed just like ww1 ww2 etc...
Our political parties were less of politicians and more PR personnel, this will change now, we should start to get proper politicians into power not mindless drones that can't negotiate.

Errrr what. Somehow miss the fact we are in Nato and if anything within the context of the EU was one of the members usually going off to fight battles of foreign soil.

Don't really get all these comments of my generation all being brainwashed, could it be some of us like people of other age classes saw merit to the EU? Maby we think the older generation are wearing rose tinted spectacles and have posters of rule Britannia on there walls. Not saying its true, but lets please stop with the broad statements painting us younger generation like we are all naive.
You can have immigration it was never one of my main points, the difference is that we can alter the laws of what those immigrants that come here to work receive, this is the important part, also we can now have a system that works for us not against us.

The EU cause us to lose our nuclear engineers in the 60s we were the leading nation with leading designs of nuclear power stations we lost all that.
We now need to copy the Singapore and the German 1950s way of trade and business, not close our doors to the world but open them and take advantage.


The immigration issue is primarily about threats to identity and culture resulting from people coming into the country without any apparent controls. Most people saw Brexit as a way of tackling that – which trumped economic concerns.
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