Brexit thread - what happens next

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15 Feb 2012
How annoyed are the people that are giving immigrants a hard time going to be when they realise that nobody will be sent home and when they understand that inward migration is probably not going to stop either ?
18 Oct 2002
To lighten the sombre mood
EVERYBODY in the UK would like to know precisely what the actual ****, it has been confirmed.
As the news continues to resemble the season finale of an Argentinian soap opera, the country has asked what in the name of **** is going on and what exactly they are meant to do about it.
Wayne Hayes, from Carlisle, said: “It’s….I mean…no, genuinely sit down and explain it to me before I completely lose the plot, presuming there is a plot now and we’re not just freestyling it.
“Call me old fashioned but I preferred it when things happened in a sequential order based on what happened previously, rather than having increasingly terrifying, random headlines barked at me by an angry clown.”
The lack of anything making any sense deepened yesterday as Jeremy Corbyn vowed to fight on as Labour leader by painting faces on household items and appointing them to the shadow cabinet.
Flanked by an anglepoise lamp in a wig and a toaster with a smiley face, the Labour leader said he would continue leading whatever is left of the party, before handing over to his new press secretary Henry the hoover to answer any further questions.
Hayes added: “Do I need a passport for buses? Does the pound work? Is cheese still a thing?”
7 Feb 2011
Stoke on Toast
At what point to people accept that they were not invited here but came anyway en mass . There are millions of people that have not just been tolerated but massively pandered to by the left. It has gone on for so long and been thrust upon people who didn't want it. of course you are now seeing some backlashm it's been repressed for 20 years.

I think you'll find it's the center left and right not the left.

Left wanted Europe about as much as the far right did.

The problem has always been that the Center voters are the largest demographic so they've been pandered to by the politicians and they've enjoyed the high life whilst the fringes of Britain has suffered.
28 Jan 2003
So wrecking the country is OK as long as we continue with this non binding result? Sounds a bit like a death wish.

Well he does have a point, what would this do to politics and the feeling of the population towards politics if the exit did not go ahead.

Basically I think the whole thing now is truly a disaster whichever way it goes.
17 Feb 2006
At what point to people accept that they were not invited here but came anyway en mass .

Maybe if people stopped banging on about "GREAT Britain", people would not have wanted to emigrate here. :D

Joking aside, my mum moved to England when there was a shortage of nurses in England in the late 90s and whatever department/government were recruiting from abroad. You could consider that an invitation.
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1 Jun 2004
Chryston, Glasgow
At what point to people accept that they were not invited here but came anyway en mass . There are millions of people that have not just been tolerated but massively pandered to by the left. It has gone on for so long and been thrust upon people who didn't want it. of course you are now seeing some backlashm it's been repressed for 20 years.

What people out of interest?

What of the millions of Brits living around the world should they be forced to return as well?
23 Oct 2002
Mr Steel worker was wondering that anyway, since we as a country were unable to do anything to support them due to EU rules

Oops slightly forgetting that the EU wanted an anti-dumping tariff on China but were vetoed by one country, Britain. Just another example of how we have no power in Europe and must do everything dictated by them, right?
18 Oct 2002
Hear, their, everyware ;)
They still do this in Australia where you live?
How come you never say nothing about the masked remain lot attacking people?
But your ex PM says
"Ex-Australia PM John Howard praises UK Brexit decision"

Shhhh, let him be. My favourite one was when he was ranting about the Brexit supposed 'Anti-Immigration' agenda, yes, an Australian telling us we should be less 'Anti-Immigration' and even suggesting we are all racists! You couldn't make it up! :D
13 May 2003
Germany rules out informal Brexit talks before article 50 is triggered, well there goes that idea.


What is said for domestic political consumption and what is done can be two different things.

One school of thought has it that informal pre-negotiation is in the best interests of the EU's big beasts. The reasoning being that unanimity of agreement from the remainder 27 gives small countries a huge stick to wield. Germany, France, Italy et al have domestic concerns that will require a reasonable trade deal with the UK. They don't want these de-railed by arguments over Austria's navy or Romania's space programme. They will want insofar as is possible to present a fait accompli rather than die the death of a thousand cuts trying to ratify a treaty with a limited time frame.

Trade agreements in the EU have dragged on for years because of small domestic political concerns. If the EU big beasts want any sort of equitable deal there will be pre-negotiation. If they don't the point is moot and we'll drop down to EEA membership.

It was interesting that the BBC reported over the weekend the founder members foreign ministers met prior to the full 28 meeting. We plainly already have an inner and outer circle it will be interesting to see what tensions this creates during Brexit.
10 May 2012
you effectively did by citing that it's only casual racism, you clearly do not know what casual racism is versus in your face bigoted hatred for people that are different.

Ok I chose a word incorrectly. I'm not a Politician. I already said it was out of order and illegal AND that I would personally challenge it. I'm not sure what else you want
5 Oct 2008
I know in the short term, this may cause an impact, but in the long term those that claim to know are lying. We have not left the EU yet either and will not do so until at least 2 years time. I was also disappointed in Cameron who threw his toys out the pram and decided to quit as the campaign did not go his way. I had respect for him beforehand, not anymore.

All the people shouting that those who voted "Leave" are all racist are prejudging people themselves and do not seem to realise the irony in what they are saying.

In light of things such as the 350 million and the NHS, I think there should be a new referendum in 6 months to see what people say then, though whether this sets a good precedent or not for democracy considering that it has spoken is what would need to be considered here. Scotland can leave the UK for all I care, same with Northern Ireland and Wales (should they want to), as long as they do not expect any handouts from us once they do.

I voted remain by the way, but I am still annoyed by how some members of both sides of the fence have reacted. It is not the end of the world as some would have you believe.
25 Jan 2009
At what point to people accept that they were not invited here but came anyway en mass . There are millions of people that have not just been tolerated but massively pandered to by the left. It has gone on for so long and been thrust upon people who didn't want it. of course you are now seeing some backlashm it's been repressed for 20 years.

It's a real shame that the EU wouldn't budge on free movement. If only Cameron had been able to walk away with something solid a few months ago allowing the UK to control the numbers more effectively and with a degree of sovereignty.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
I've tried searching but this thread is loooong. What actually happened to you?

Some drunk chaps with a banner were not the ones shouting at me in Stevenage town centre to **** off home. Unless you have been at the sharp end of racial hatred you have no frigging idea what it is like No personal attacks - Gilly.

that's not the point. The point is that these 2 thinga are correlated. it's not just a wild coincidence that in over 25 years I haven't received this kind of abuse, yet suddenly after a vote which was heavily leverage on "take back control" which goons have interpreted as send them back, it's like being back in the early 80's when I had grown adults shouting at me while doing my paper round to **** off home.

I went into Stevenage town centre on sunday as normal to do my shopping and had 3 sepparate incidents of **** off home, to the point where my missus (English) said come on lets go we can't stay here.

Unless you have lived through that appalling time in the early 80's where this stuff was rife you have no idea, concept or understanding of what it feels like. SO don't start lecturing me on what it's like or the fact that it's ilegal and to call the police. The fact is it shouldn't be happening in the first place. But now that we have effectively validated the racist element, it's going to get worse.

TLDR, went to stevenage on sunday to do shopping and had 3 individual cases of people telling me to **** off home. having lived through the early 80's in the same town I used to get racially abused pretty regularly. It hasn't happened for over 25 years, yet it has now started again and people are trying to say it is just casual racism that always existed and has nothing to do with the exit vote.

If that is the case the surely I should have been getting some of this "casual racism" up until now. This is not just me reporting such incidents, there are far more cases around the country and we are basically being told to deal with it and that it's not correlated in anyway.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
I was under the impression we still controlled the UK but were influenced by the EU for some things like environmental policy and so on?

But I guess this means that we are now accountable only to ourselves?

Would that it were so. We're at the mercy of whoever sits down at the bargaining table. We may be subject to the same rules without a voice among many when those rules are made.
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