Brexit thread - what happens next

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23 Oct 2002
You sure, or is that just speculation?

The government would have to get a plan like TTIP past the electorate & not say "sorry not our fault" when the NHS was sold off.

No. It would just be another trade deal that has passed during a Parliament, why would they consult the electorate this time?
11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
I just can't believe this. We've just spent the last 8 years with austerity cuts to put our finances right. We've all suffered, some much more than others. And just when the going gets good we shoot ourselves in the head with both barrels.

Honesty - we must be the laughing stock of the world.

I agree with those who have stated MPs are paying lip service. Particularly Osbourne earlier today with his nice and cosy everything's fluffy speech.

Can't someone grow a spine and press the eject button? We've lost our AAA rating, Merkel and co have flipped the idea of informal talks on it's arse which puts us at huge risk.

I sincerely wish I could see things the way those who voted leave do - referring to those who haven't changed their minds. Yet.
8 Jan 2004
The bolded part is a major problem with a lot of remain people from more affluent areas. They don't and have never had to experience the problems with the recession head on, nor have they had to deal with high levels of immigration in their areas.

The wealthy have never experienced recession but the less affluent have, so the less affluent have forced another recession because they.....enjoy it? Are stupid? Were manipulated?

What's your point?
11 Aug 2009
The bolded part is a major problem with a lot of remain people from more affluent areas. They don't and have never had to experience the problems with the recession head on, nor have they had to deal with high levels of immigration in their areas.

:rolleyes: quite a generalisation. I live in possibly the longest standing immigration hotstop in London, if not the UK. I've still not met anyone locally who has voted to Leave.
1 Mar 2010
The chances of a TTIP style relationship with the US are likely higher out than in.

The US will write their conditions down on headed paper, five or ten years after some cap in hand begging, if not longer, from whoever is in charge in the UK; whoever is in charge will sign on the dotted line. A few years later, our trade Wiki will be updated with a larger trade deficit and a total skew towards the US, which, like China, will enjoy a near total access to our market, whilst some blocks, tariffs and quotas still remain on our goods and services going the other way and US companies enjoy their sacred right to challenge our government with impunity. Few people will even mention farming and UK steel after that. Grand times ahead. The open sea!
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
The bolded part is a major problem with a lot of remain people from more affluent areas. They don't and have never had to experience the problems with the recession head on, nor have they had to deal with high levels of immigration in their areas.

Lost my job in early 2009. Didn't get another until late 2010. Lost my savings, car, and most of my possessions that were worth anything. I felt the recession plenty hard enough and yet I still voted to remain. I do not want to have to go through those years again and yet it seems that that is the course we have set.
Immigration has never been an issue to me. I don't see them as immigrants, just people. I've lived around the Reading area for the last 20 years which has one of the largest Polish communities in the UK.
12 Jan 2009
The bolded part is a major problem with a lot of remain people from more affluent areas. They don't and have never had to experience the problems with the recession head on, nor have they had to deal with high levels of immigration in their areas.

London is immigrant central. So no.
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