Brexit thread - what happens next

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9 Jul 2003
Law for trade can now be micromanaged and pass very quickly which would give the UK an advantage over a a large entity such as the EU, this is what going to help us.

People are looking far too short term, this decision isn't about today it's about how the country stands in 10 / 20 years time.

The European market has been in decline for years with only a slight increase seen recently but for how long who knows. The real opportunities now lie in Eastern markets such as China and India, I've seen this in my line of work where premium products which were once designed for western markets are being made to suit Eastern tastes.

We will be in a far stronger position to deal with these countries outside the EU
18 Oct 2002
People are looking far too short term, this decision isn't about today it's about how the country stands in 10 / 20 years time.

The European market has been in decline for years with only a slight increase seen recently but for how long who knows. The real opportunities now lie in Eastern markets such as China and India, I've seen this in my line of work where premium products which were once designed for western markets are being made to suit Eastern tastes.

We will be in a far stronger position to deal with these countries outside the EU

I think that's ascribing reason to the decision after the event, to be honest. The referendum wasn't fought on 'what's the best option in two decades time'. Neither side is getting what they want out of this.
12 Nov 2015
Top hand waving.

Wiff waff.

You do realise that the same bankers who created that created that crash are the ones running the markets today?

Maybe so, but King and Greenspan should have disappeared into a black hole of credibility, the minute they nearly destroyed western capitalism with their laissez-faire approach to banking.

Just let banks do what they like, oh they did and it turns out "innovative banking" is the end of times, oh your children will be paying for my mistakes for the rest of their lives.

That King is it?

Sorry, not hand waving, outright hostility to the credibility of the man.
26 Jun 2016
People are looking far too short term, this decision isn't about today it's about how the country stands in 10 / 20 years time.

The European market has been in decline for years with only a slight increase seen recently but for how long who knows. The real opportunities now lie in Eastern markets such as China and India, I've seen this in my line of work where premium products which were once designed for western markets are being made to suit Eastern tastes.

We will be in a far stronger position to deal with these countries outside the EU

That can be seen with the high number of eastern tech coming out, i'm wondering if this has not been planed, because the way it was managed the whole PR stunts.
The US now has an extra country to deal with so does the EU its going to slow the there process even more, its easy to deal with 1 institution that covers lots of members, but difficult to deal with individuals.
13 Aug 2008
Maybe so, but King and Greenspan should have disappeared into a black hole of credibility, the minute they nearly destroyed western capitalism with their laissez-faire approach to banking.

Just let banks do what they like, oh they did and it turns out "innovative banking" is the end of times, oh your children will be paying for my mistakes for the rest of their lives.

That King is it?

Sorry, not hand waving, outright hostility to the credibility of the man.

It was labour who de regulated the banks, pretty much because they had to because everyone else in the world was. Lemme guess you are watching the stock markets today depending on the sharks in the markets to give you justification for your way of thinking?
18 Oct 2002
People are looking far too short term, this decision isn't about today it's about how the country stands in 10 / 20 years time.

The European market has been in decline for years with only a slight increase seen recently but for how long who knows. The real opportunities now lie in Eastern markets such as China and India, I've seen this in my line of work where premium products which were once designed for western markets are being made to suit Eastern tastes.

We will be in a far stronger position to deal with these countries outside the EU

Nice to see someone posting something positive in this thread.
1 Mar 2010
Just saw a video of some ****s protesting outside a Birmingham mosque. I'm no fan of Islam, but the scene is Sickening, no one should be subject to that sort of thing.

I never understood the 'logic' of EU = Islam. It's deeply sad that some Morlocks think they've got the run of the country now and everyone agrees with them. Should hopefully improve as the power vacuum at the top is filled, and they are put into place. Indeed, if May emerges leader, they will fall under her hammer just as much as other forms of extremism. Though I doubt many will remain truly happy with her take on human rights and privacy in the end.
29 Jan 2008
I feel that due to the size of the UK and precedent of Switzerland in the past getting concessions on limiting the freedom of movement, (there is also legislation allowing EEA country's to put the brakes on uncontrolled freedom of movement that EU member states do not have) That we could get some sway on the freedom of movement issue.

I don't see the tenants behind the freedom of movement as bad, the freedom to travel, work and reside without the need of a visa. But not allowing countries to control the numbers of people entering should never have been part of the deal.

I think we could do quite nicely by joining the EFTA then sorting some bilateral deal or having EEA membership with some compromises. Just definitely no to schengen, that goes completely against the idea of controlling the borders.

well yeah.. a hybrid deal similar to EEA or potentially the pick n mix EFTA albeit with concessions on freedom of movement
7 Feb 2015
South West
Anyone still think this was a good idea?

If there's a global recession, I think we might be ejected from planet earth, never mind the EU.

It just shows how the global economy was poised on a knife edge with only a small amount of resilience. If anything this gave politicians, the country, the eu and the world a kick in the teeth that it needed. Otherwise we would have just ended up in a situation no different to the 2009 recession, if not worse. Maybe leading to a new great depression if things inflated to ridiculous levels.
8 Jan 2004
It just shows how the global economy was poised on a knife edge with only a small amount of resilience. If anything this gave politicians, the country, the eu and the world a kick in the teeth that it needed. Otherwise we would have just ended up in a situation no different to the 2009 recession, if not worse. Maybe leading to a new great depression if things inflated to ridiculous levels.

So we've crippled our economy to save the world? Your optimism is astounding. We are heroes!
25 Jul 2005
No problem with free movement of people personally but I don't think in work benefits should be available the second they arrive it's pointless anyone coming here or anywhere else if they have to claim straight away.

Correct me if I'm wrong bi that was one of the con sessions Cameron got. Immigrants to the UK wouldn't have got that...
8 Jan 2004
would you rather have a small dip now showing how volatile things are? and that they could get fixed, rather than a huge crash later on?

This may not be a small dip at all, I have no faith in the Tories remaining will be able to fix it and the speculation it is saving us from a later, disastrous crash is just make believe.
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